It’s Run For Money, but in cars. And online.

By | February 7, 2019

Apropos of not very much, both David B and my sister alerted me to these things at roughly the same time, Youtube channel Fail Race regularly plays a game called Survive the Hunt, more recently in Forza Horizon, but this video is from Grand Theft Auto 5. The object in this one is to find checkpoints across the map whilst being hunted down by a group of Hunters who can communicate with each other. The guy has to change cars after every checkpoint (the skill is knowing when to try and look like an AI driver and when to just pelt it) and only has a vague idea where they are. I found myself getting quite into it.

6 thoughts on “It’s Run For Money, but in cars. And online.

  1. Brandon

    Which version of this do you prefer? The checkpoint version or the version where the fugitive just has to survive?

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      I haven’t seen enough of the latter to form my opinion if I’m honest. I will try and rectify that though.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Thanks, I shall have a look when I get home.

      Interestingly since we last covered it, there were two Chinese seasons called Run for Time, which are on Youtube, and seems to be a league-based thing.


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