Watching Telly: Catchphrase

By | January 11, 2013

You may remember we saw the pilot to this back in August. Has anything changed?

  • The titles are a neat mash up of the two original Walker title sequences, beams of light going round a maze but this time clearly in SPACE. The theme is a pretty good remix of the original 80s Walker theme.
  • The set has changed, it’s quite minimalist – three podia linked together and to the screen, raised stage in the shape of a speech bubble, some orbit-esque lights, that’s about it. However the backdrop is now a large panoramic projection screen, usually dark blue but featuring neat solar flare-esque effects. I rather liked it.
  • No changsd have been made to the game or the controversial graphics which I think will put people off somewhat. Actually there is one change, the contestants now fill in thirds of a pie chart in the qualifier.
  • Stephen Mulhern’s an OK host. If nothing else he can do a smart line in cheeky innuendo whilst pulling an innocent face. They do seem to have written him one-liner cheeky non-contestant-denominator putdowns which feel really unnatural, especially as many were recorded after the show for dropping in. He’s grows in confidence and assuredness when one of the contestants is eliminated.
  • Also I think we pointed out the scene-setting element of the modern Catchphrases last time, now Mulhern has to point out when the actual clues are on the screen. Not his fault I suspect but very irritating.
  • Also when a Bonus Catchphrase is revealed, not immediately removing all the squares and instead doing this as a seperate thing after the celebration of the correct answer is odd.
  • The endgame hasn’t changed, although the Box 11 prize is now a holiday rather than a car. Because of the guaranteed big money involved, we are meant to cheer when the clock hits zero regardless of outcome. Unfortunately this is largely incongrouous with having a challenge with a clear win condition with a countdown clock and excitement bed. At the same time it’s difficult to feel bad for someone when losing still means having thousands of pounds thrown at them, so I don’t know the best solution to make good television in this situation to be honest.
  • As I’ve said in the pilot, the spirit of the show is alive and well. And you’ll be able to see how it comes across on telly in March on Sundays, it was suggested.

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