Last night we discovered The Traitors Shop, for all your backstabbing needs. Their big front page item right now: Death Match, the absolutely thrilling elimination card game as seen on TV. The box suggests four players, the description suggests 4-6 players, it also suggests 15 Death cards and a Life card so really you could play up to eight players. It’s suggested you play it as a drinking game, but feels like far too much effort for the penalty of taking a drink to be honest.
It costs £14.99. But does come with a plastic wax seal, so that’s alright then.

Bafflingly you can also buy this wax seal letter for £7.95. For this you get a premium quality envelope! Traitors branded writing paper! Replica wax seal! What you don’t get, and they’ve really missed a trick here, and isn’t obvious unless you read the description is the written message on the paper itself – it’s blank. What a missed opportunity that is, I’d actually be very tempted to pay £8 for that if it had an official Traitors murder letter in the official font that I could surreptitiously leave on a colleague’s desk for them to discover. The fun you could have! It’s not the same if you have to handwrite it all.
There’s actually a fair amount of decent stuff here – A cloak for £28. T-shirts and hoodies I wouldn’t be too embarrassed to wear outside. A £45 christmas jumper. I quite like the coasters for £16.95. I might pass on the boxer shorts though.
In other news, would YOU like to have disparaging comments about you from Ray from Hunted? After an age of Channel 4 indecision, it looks like a commission is on, applications for another series are open. Looking at the numbers and demos it seems crazy it’s taken so long, but that’s modern TV for you. Do take a drink everytime Ray says “they CANNOT make it TO EXTRACTION” in the current (recorded 18 months ago) Celeb Hunted series going out.
It appears to have been removed from the site sadly.
How odd, perhaps it’s so thrilling they’ve sold out.