You could also do this for much less money with any deck of playing cards

By | January 21, 2025

Last night we discovered The Traitors Shop, for all your backstabbing needs. Their big front page item right now: Death Match, the absolutely thrilling elimination card game as seen on TV. The box suggests four players, the description suggests 4-6 players, it also suggests 15 Death cards and a Life card so really you could play up to eight players. It’s suggested you play it as a drinking game, but feels like far too much effort for the penalty of taking a drink to be honest.

It costs £14.99. But does come with a plastic wax seal, so that’s alright then.

Bafflingly you can also buy this wax seal letter for £7.95. For this you get a premium quality envelope! Traitors branded writing paper! Replica wax seal! What you don’t get, and they’ve really missed a trick here, and isn’t obvious unless you read the description is the written message on the paper itself – it’s blank. What a missed opportunity that is, I’d actually be very tempted to pay £8 for that if it had an official Traitors murder letter in the official font that I could surreptitiously leave on a colleague’s desk for them to discover. The fun you could have! It’s not the same if you have to handwrite it all.

There’s actually a fair amount of decent stuff here – A cloak for £28. T-shirts and hoodies I wouldn’t be too embarrassed to wear outside. A £45 christmas jumper. I quite like the coasters for £16.95. I might pass on the boxer shorts though.

In other news, would YOU like to have disparaging comments about you from Ray from Hunted? After an age of Channel 4 indecision, it looks like a commission is on, applications for another series are open. Looking at the numbers and demos it seems crazy it’s taken so long, but that’s modern TV for you. Do take a drink everytime Ray says “they CANNOT make it TO EXTRACTION” in the current (recorded 18 months ago) Celeb Hunted series going out.

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