Show Discussion: Celebrity Bear Hunt

By | February 4, 2025

From Wednesday 5th February,

Holly Willoughby invites 12 celebs to the Costa Rican jungle where Bear Grylls will put them through their survival paces, the celebs deemed to be not up to scratch will have to fight for their survival avoiding capture whilst being hunted by the ex-head of the Scouts.

Netflix have given this quite a big push this last week and most of the celebs involved are people you’ve heard of (Mel B! Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen! Big Zuu for the kids!) so it might be quite fun. Alternatively you could watch Mantracker on Youtube, which we were well into for a bit.

Anyway, do let us know what you make of it in the comments.

2 thoughts on “Show Discussion: Celebrity Bear Hunt

  1. Henry R

    Considering the marketing push, it doesn’t feel very Netflix. Felt more like a Channel 4 show

  2. Brig Bother Post author

    Only had time to watch the first episode this evening, but this was better than I anticipated I think – opening challenge sets the tone quite well, quite Interceptor-esque actually even if it also felt a bit arbitrary who he’d go for sometimes.

    Bear Pit a fun idea – big area of jungle, X amount of predetermined exits, but fewer than the amount of players involved and only one player can leave through each one (although you can also survive if you can go an hour without getting captured), each exit requires a tool hidden somewhere around the jungle, revealed at each exit location. Some fake tools are also set up around the jungle and these are booby trapped. If Bear catches you you’re eliminated.

    A show about a serious thing that doesn’t take itself too seriously, look forward to seeing the rest in due course. Lawrence L-B providing a lot of the laughs so far.


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