10 thoughts on “Fun Thing Found on Youtube Thursday

    1. patrice

      How butch are those security guards???

      And as for your Unnnnnnnn Doooooosss Treeeeeeez, Brig, genius!!!

  1. David

    The live ep of BBUS last night was probably one of the best live eps ever IMO-I think the season has really gone off now after a slow start..

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Excellent – hoping to get a chance to watch it before I go to bed this evening.

      I’ve been quite enjoying the shows so far.

  2. Ryan

    Just wondering, are there stats somewhere for biggest win/loss on DCEDL? Just saw an ep where the guy didn’t score until the 3rd last draw, and lost 106-17. Ouch.

  3. Greg

    OMG!!!! BB USA was great yesterday i was hoping the person that won HoH would win. I am also glad that they will be opening Pandoras Box and selecting a new saboteur, please let it be Matt or Enzo.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Ooh blimey that was quite spectacular.

      I thought the saboteur was a bit of a damp squib to begin with, and I think there’s a very real chance that whoever is selected could turn it down if they thought it might be not in their interest.

  4. Greg

    But Julie did not say that person would be evicted if they made it to the half way point like they did at the begining. Yes winning 20k would create a target, but a greedy player would go for both.

    I expect that most would take the shot

    Cathy and Britney have nothing to lose at this stage, and i think the ego of MAtt and Enzo would prevent them from turning it down. Also being in the strong 4 they stand little chance of being evicted.


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