Fun Thing Found on Youtube Monday

By | January 10, 2011

Right, flicking around the pages of (as you do on occasion) found myself clicking through to the page on Terror Towers which would have been something I wrote, Christ, about nine-ten years ago now probably and was quite excited to see there are now videos on Youtube of it, of which here is one of them.

I remember seeing the ‘making of’ on barely-remembered Saturday morning show Telegantic Megavision back in the day, in particular the Nightmare Room is a stage built entirely on rockers being pushed back and forwards by stagehands, with a camera they can spin through 180 degrees. Although you could probably guess that for yourselves.

I always thought it was a great little show with an appealing setting. Steve Johnson got some brilliant gigs back in the day, this and Mousetrap on Motormouth which was a really really good interpretation of the game. Whatever happened to him?

18 thoughts on “Fun Thing Found on Youtube Monday

  1. Alex

    I remember this! Oh, I’m old…

    Also I remember Telegantic Megavision for being not very good, and also for having Slopps Diner as a part of the show.

  2. James E. Parten

    Interesting to see these clips on YT.

    Host displays a good rubber face: wonder whatever happened to him.

    Show captures a good sense of juvenile spookiness. Wouldn’t mind seeing a complete one, if such exists. (Then again, I’d like to see a clip of Motormouth’s “Mousetrap”, so as to see for myself how the game was adapted to a kid-size format. While I am dreaming transatlantic dreams, let’s throw in “It’s Torture!” while we’re at it!)

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      It’s definitely the sort of thing I think you’d enjoy, James.

      In the meantime you might want to look up Incredible Games from about the same time period, there was at least one full episode on Youtube a while ago. (Edit: here’s part one from a celebrity special of the first series –

      Mousetrap was only really like the game in so much that there was a giant version of the trap from the game, kids would go along the sides of the “board” against the clock trying to complete mini-games and tasks, several times during the proceedings someone would fire the trap and the kids had to stop what they were doing and race to stop the trap before it trapped the star prizes. It was pretty great.

      1. James E. Parten

        Already caught that celeb show of “Incredible Games” a while back. Wouldn’t object if more of that show wound up on YT.

        Also wouldn’t object if more “Jungle Run” were there. There are several complete episodes to be found, mostly from the 2004-5 period. If they’re being rerun on Challenge, they somebody has been asleep at the proverbial switch.

  3. sphil

    due to late night youtube rambling, i found a late night kids tv game show called “legends of the hidden temple.” its a bizarre jungle run sort of thing in front of a live studio audience. and it possible has the most complex end game ever. but well worth of watch!

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Mmm, made by the same people who did Funhouse I believe. Did I do a feature on it previously? If I have I’ll put it up againa t some point.

    2. Alex

      I do like Legends Of The Hidden Temple, even though the endgame is MASSIVELY hard to win, sometimes even impossible.

      1. David

        Especially if they had to go to a tiebreaker- You only go into the temple round with only 1 pendant and you’re pretty much screwed, especially since usually one of the two rooms where the players can enter had a Temple Guard….So if they lost that coinflip at the beginning, usually that meant the run would end early.

    3. art begotti

      Oh criminy, this is from MY childhood. Now I feel old.

      Yeah, interesting show. It’s weird to think how even though the show (and the network the reruns aired on) is long gone, it’s still somewhat of a mild pop culture phenomenon, at least with folks my age. This show inevitably gets mentioned in any “Nickelodeon used to be so good”/”What shows did we watch as kids” conversation that comes up.

      Though in retrospect, I really don’t like this show any more. I don’t know if the “magic” of the show has just disappeared or what, but this show honestly irritates me now for some reason.

      1. NJ

        Legends has gotten so big as a nostalgia bomb that you can get shirts with the team emblems on.

  4. Travis P

    Million Pound Drop confirmed for Friday 28th Jan, 10pm for 8 shows being aired every Friday and Saturday. That means Davina will be doing three live shows for a month since the first Got to Dance semi final is on 30th Jan.

  5. SamB

    Oh I loved Mousetrap, it’s one of my earliest TV-watching memories. Would love it if anyone finds some online!

  6. Travis P

    Fort Boyard Germany

    Given I haven’t seen the French version for a good few years, someone might confirm if this is the case now.

    – Uses a competitive format. Two teams of three celebrities (red and blue).
    – Games are now played for keys (including adventures), each giving a team a 10 second head start to collect the gold.
    – We never see them run around the fort, instead it uses a cutaway graphic between each key game.
    – What is in the cell are now explained to the contestants before they enter.
    – Uses post-recorded interviews when the key/clue games are played out (as used on many reality shows in the US). So we see them enter the cell, 10 seconds later it cuts away to them talking about it, cuts back to the key game, cuts back to the interview.
    – Teams enter via an underground tunnel before entering the main gold room but exit via the main door.

    I must admit the reality style spoils the show for me.

    1. Alex

      French one is SORTA like that but different, in that there’s a convoluted three-team thing and the treasure room actually has a clue element.

      German is slightly better than French I think, but not a patch on their former selves.

      1. Lee

        Agreed. Its a very good attempt and does beat the french. Atleast with the interviews you can still see whats going on in the key game and they are brief. I like the Tr format. What i dont like is the speed of the show after the first ad break. They went from 6 games in 30 mins and then only 2 after each advert. Could have easily crammed in anouther 2 more key games i recon.

        Overall doesnt beat the sweedish. but is better than the french.


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