Who Wants To Win A Paul Ross Jigsaw TWO!

By | November 11, 2011

Well after the massive success of the Twitter competition on Monday, it’s time at the Festival of Paul Ross draws to a close. But don’t cry! Because it’s going out with a bang, and a second Paul Ross jigsaw to be won, valued at (costing) £15!

The first competition was a test of your wit, this one is a test of your intellect. And your wit. Five ‘cryptic’ ‘clues’ and a prize draw stand between you and this marvellous jigsaw. Can you guess which five Paul Ross game-y formats these five things are hinting towards?

  1. The show that’s not averse to a bit of vice versa.
  2. Really.
  3. Apparently he earned £8,000 recording three series of this. Amazingly, it got three series.
  4. Absolutely everywhere!
  5. This time it’s us!


Thanks to everyone who entered the answers are:

  1. Jeopardy (he actually uses this in his opener)
  2. You Don’t Say (good use of italics to represent sarcasm there, thanks.)
  3. No Win No Fee (only two wins in 70 shows, I believe)
  4. All Over The Shop
  5. Endurance UK (surprised more people didn’t get this, this was the phrase he used to close each episode, and sometimes throughout it too. It’s Anybody’s Guess came up a lot – can anyone explain the logic?).

I’m too tired to sift through the results this evening, so find out who the winner is… early-afternoon Saturday!

8 thoughts on “Who Wants To Win A Paul Ross Jigsaw TWO!

  1. sphil

    damn! looks like im going to have to buy my own paul ross jigsaw, somehow i dont think knowing one from 5 will win this one.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      You are welcome to research it! I didn’t think this was that hard really, but I suppose they’re only easy if you wrote the questions.

  2. Qusion

    I sent five earlier today but I’m only confident in three of them. I did try to get myself into Brig’s mind and work out his logic but of course that meant the answers were less logical to my way of thinking – but definitely more punneriffic. (If that isn’t already a puzzle-setting term it needs to be)

  3. Andy "Kesh" Sullivan

    Well, I’ve had a punt. I’m assuming I’m in time as Brig hasn’t tweeted the contest is over yet.

  4. Qusion

    It’s Anyone’s Guess, based on the same premise as the old ‘four letters in four’ riddle that still does the rounds now and again. As in: it’s anyone’s guess what the answer is, this time its us. Lesson learned – never ignore the blatantly obvious in favour of the hideously cryptic.

  5. Greg

    I hear Pat Sharp is on standby for this years IACGMOH, make of that what you will.


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