59 thoughts on “The Crystal Maze is coming soon

  1. Danny Kerner

    Apparently TV insiders are saying June and usually a coming soon mark is about 4 weeks.

    Using This information I predict the week of 19th June. And I’m thinking Friday Night Slot so 23rd is my guess

  2. Danny Kerner

    Can anyone see what that post is to the left of the dome? Plus there is no podium in shot so where are the crystals located?

    1. Matt Clemson

      Given where it connects to the dome, it looks like it’s something to do with the door mechanism.

    2. Alex McMillan

      I’m assuming this promo shot was taken before filming, I imagine they’d move the podium into place for the recording.

      Lack of a moat would sadden me, though.

        1. Callum J

          He’s deleted it now. Did anyone take a screenshot?

          1. Patrick

            I saved the pics. The Aztec one doesn’t show that much, though – just part of the climbing wall with the tunnel through to Futuristic, with some nice Aztec-style decoration on the blocks.

          2. Jon

            I wanna see! Layed out like the original?

          3. Patrick

            Ha! Hard to tell anything from that picture — it just shows the top few stepping stones and the short tunnel that used to lead to the lift down to Futuristic. It seems a bit more ‘weathered’ than the original and the decoration around the hole in the wall is a bit different.

      1. David B

        There’s no moat or ‘structure’ behind the dome either, but you won’t miss it.

  3. Danny Kerner

    I’m sure I mentioned a few months ago about the potential structure of recording schedules in a comment but can’t seem to find it.

    Anyway I said that if they started recordings in March & went into post on the first group of 10 in April/May they could of been ready in time for June/July so at this moment I’m was spot on. Also something I didn’t mention before could be to also get a new set of games put in place ready for production block B. Hopefully this is the case and they have already filmed a few Celebrity specials before the swap so when it comes to SU2C week they can interchange the blocks so there is variations.

  4. Brekkie

    Wasn’t expecting it so soon. Really hope it isn’t a disappointment.

  5. Danny Kerner

    Well the Last Leg just showed the first official clip from The crystal maze upcoming series

      1. Matt C

        Shame the clip’s from the Industrial zone, doesn’t offer much in the way of set dressing discussion. There is corrugated iron. That is all.

        The game looked *visual* enough, which is a promising sign, if perhaps a little Wipeouty (I suspect it’s an automatic lock-in?)

        1. Brig Bother Post author

          Yes, the game looked quite modern Boyard-esque, probably a higher incidence of pratfall related physical games, although might be completely off the mark. We’ll see!

        2. Danny Kerner

          Well there is a C4 10 sec advert going around on the channel showing off the industrial zone. It was shown during countdown today. It looks exactly the same like it did in the original but with added effects. I’ll try to record but might not be able to

          1. Brig Bother Post author

            Thanks. I think that looks pretty good given the inevitable size limitations.

          2. Jon

            They do and it seems like they’ve been fully respectful to the original geography of the Maze.

            It’s just a shame the original industrial is least favourite out the two industrial incarnations we’ve seen at the live experiences and indeed the Ocean zone all visually more pleasing.

          3. Matt Clemson

            I assume the promo campaign’s going to be structured with one released every so often (weekly?), with a full trailer following the same chunk of time after the fourth?

            That might account for starting with a focus on Industrial – might as well start with the least visually distinctive zone so there’s not a lull in the buildup!

          4. Brig Bother Post author

            Don’t forget of course IIRC they’ve got a new concept for Futuristic, so I wouldn’t expect any pictures of that until late on.

          5. Brig Bother Post author

            I see they’ve gone for a quite similar blowing style to the live shows where they tend to blow round the outside of the Dome.

          6. Jon

            Apart from the door and LED lights on the dome, it looks very similar to the Manchester one. But I’m guessing it’s come from the same place as they’re also the ones who did. It’s funny you wait 27 for a Crystal Dome build and 3 come along a lot one. I wonder if there is going to be any special effects invovled in terms of making the zones look bigger, I’m not too convinced by the large structure (I don’t know what you call it) in Industrial in the clip posted.

    1. Thomas Sales

      I have my suspicions that they might air it after Fifteen to One in that slot, which would put the premiere date on 3 July.

      1. Danny Kerner

        No the C4 press have confirmed it’s a June date. I think a late June slot but indeed a June start no matter what

        1. Callum J

          I would guess 12 June, when Coast vs Country finished, in the 4pm slot.

          1. Danny Kerner

            They wouldn’t put it on that early would they? I think prime time

          2. Danny Kerner

            Hang on are we still talking about Crystal Maze or Cheap Cheap Cheap?

  6. Patrick

    Re Industrial: I think one of the columns of the big triangular thing (the rear one) and the column near the camera are part of the structure of the building they’re filming in, so they’ve had to work around those. It’ll be interesting to see how they’ve got around those limitations in the other zones…

  7. Jon

    Looking at the specs for the buildings at The Bottle Yard I’m guessing the Maze is split across several building and it won’t permanently up either.

  8. Jon

    Answered my own question, they’re using the main warehouse, which isn’t usually used as a stage and is therefore not listed on The Bottle Yard wesbite.

  9. Danny Kerner

    Did anyone See the Fake News show on C4 last night (Fri 2nd). They showed pictures from Medieval zone and confirms Richard has a weird hand cane and the contestants suits for this season.

  10. Jon

    They’ve really done everything to be quite true the original haven’t they? Even with James Dillion on board I’m quite pleased and suprised.

    Of course the two parts of the set that needed to updated have been, the dome and future which we’re yet see.

    I still can’t quite believe it’s actually happening!

    1. Matt Clemson

      I’ve seen a claim of a Future clip – like the Industrial one – having appeared on C4. Haven’t been able to confirm it.

      1. Danny Kerner

        It does indeed exists recording on C4+1 and upload on YouTube & Facebook.

          1. Matt C

            Looks very slick, I have to say. Also like the way the crystals’s integrated with the ‘pieces of four’ channel branding. They’re going big on this one!

      2. Danny Kerner

        Medieval also exists but my signal conveniently broke up so can’t upload that.

  11. Brekkie

    He’s on the Fake News show again tonight (if it’s still airing) so might be worth a look.

    Still no word on scheduling – Sunday 8pm opens up after next week and IMO would be the best slot. Gogglebox has also finished so 9pm Fridays after a couple of weeks of Last Leg specials is a possibility.

    1. Weaver

      Thursday at 9pm is also available from 22 June; similar slot to the original series, and relatively weak opposition.

      Don’t forget that Channel 4 has the European football championships in July and early August – that’ll take out two or three Sunday evenings.

      1. Jon

        My bet is Friday nights at 9 or 10. It’s really loyal to the original geography that set design is really spot in both being true to the original but with a bit HD sheen!

        As for future, it’s actually gone into the direction of live experience but executed it a bit better, look at the screen/windows very similar to the live experience in terms of the shape.

        The only thing I’m not sold on is the customers, clearly going for retro but I’m not sure they need to or should, the new series shouldn’t be an ironic tribute to the original but a show that sits up on it’s own merits.

        I think everything we’ve seen so far is good, both the sets and the host from the one clip we’ve seen of him in the role.

        I think Channel 4 will be onto a winner.

        I’m guessing they’ll be playing for cash in the dome, I wonder what the prizes will be £10,000? Or they might have a leader board with an end of series winning team.

        1. Matt Clemson

          Honestly, I’d be perfectly happy with them going back to the same sort of prizes – it might come across as being ironic, but it wouldn’t be too far removed from the attitude to them in the original; for many the reward was the maze itself.

          That said: There absolutely has to be an “I cracked the crystal maze 2017” paperweight.


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