Schlag den Henssler next Saturday #bbsdh

By | September 23, 2017

One ‘n’, two ‘s’s, next Saturday ProSieben’s Schlag den… returns with a new full time antagonist, competitive German celebrity chef Steffen Henssler and God willing we will also be back with our watchalong offering up a live commentary and some entertainment of our own.

So join us for that! Unless they postpone it again.

16 thoughts on “Schlag den Henssler next Saturday #bbsdh

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Thanks. He really *does* have the most difficult to remember to spell name.

      BTW I *think* the apostrophe in your title is tripping up the Bother’s Bar Moderation Thing, if you’re wondering why your comments don’t immediately appear Michael.

  1. Chris M. Dickson

    Unrelatedly, did you see the news story earlier in the week about a fire in a London warehouse? We had a storage unit in a warehouse there. “Approximately 75% of a single storey warehouse were damaged by the fire, the London Fire Brigade said. Safehouse Self-Storage confirmed most of its warehouse, where customers and businesses store goods, was destroyed by the fire.”

    I mention this because I had a box of game show video tapes in our storage unit, and it was the one-third or so of the tapes that I wanted to keep after a big purge a few years back. It’s not as if I was making any progress towards converting them into a digital format, and it’s not as if the very best bits weren’t available on YouTube elsewhere already. There were lots of things with sentimental value in there, not least the diaries I kept up for seven years, and many more so for my partner.

    Our things might somehow have survived the fire, but in the absence of further information, we consider it realistic to assume the worst.

  2. CeleTheRef

    here’s an episode of Italian Pointless

    -a pointless answer in an elimination round automatically sends the team to the next round (jackpot doesn’t grow)
    -in the final game, if one of the answers score 5 or less, the team wins €1,000 otherwise it is added to the jackpot.

    the writer Stefano Santucci was on the show only for the first week, now there’s a different writer on screen.

      1. CeleTheRef

        between 1.3 and 1.4 million viewers for a share of a bit over 9% (in daytime).
        not very good, but not bad enough for cancellation.

        the set looks bright because it’s a daytime program, and because the color purple is not popular with the Italian showbiz.

  3. Callum J

    Not sure how game show-ey it is, but it’s been mentioned a few times here.

    Escape begins on Channel 4 on Sunday Oct 1st at 8:00pm.

      1. James

        Elton presenting. Elmar Paulke commentating. Just as it has been for Schlag den Star this year.

        Music acts: Gentleman, Fergie and Alice Merton

        1. Dale

          Aww darn thanks. I was really hoping they would replace Elton due to some of his of color comments and awkward hosting.


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