We mentioned this about a month ago but it’s this Saturday that it’s happening, modern day Chris Goss Ben Lathbury AKA Royal Flush AKA Persephone’s Chair is doing his 400th quizzy Twitch stream and it’s a giant all day-er, featuring most of his original formats you’re encouraged to playalong with with various web apps. It’s all in aid of CALM, the Campaign Against Living Miserably, so you’re encouraged to give generously. You can watch and join on his Twitch channel on Saturday from 11am – 1am, although my money is on it overrunning, he should have a sweepstake.

Unfortunately for me he’s timed it to coincide with a Saturday I have to work, but I should be about for the evening session. If you like quizzing there will be a lot there for you. Ben otherwise usually streams most Saturdays from 8pm UK.