INTERACTIVE Board of Excitement 29th August – 4th September 2010

By | August 29, 2010

Yes it’s like being in 1998 all over again and INTERACTIVITY is all the rage.

Basically, it’s a Bank Holiday and I’m going to a barbeque so I’m taking the day off. But if YOU were writing the Board of Excitement for this week, what exciting things would you put in it?

Stick suggestions in the comments and I’ll update this later.

Edit: Right, so what in the opinions of the punters are the interesting things on telly this week? Sorry for the typos if any, I’ve just got back from being drunk.

  • Run For Money (the Saturday just gone, Fuji TV): Oops. Still, what better way to celebrate a Bank Holiday (in the UK) by someone hopefully putting it up on YouTube, or other video sharing site?
  • Pointless (Monday-Friday, 4:30pm, BBC2): Thanks to Perfection not being able to record things properly, the third series of popular Alexander Armstrong quiz has been bought forward. Now apparently includes a modified second round where you need to show some knowledge of the thing you intend to pick.
  • Fangarna pa Fortet (TV4 and online, Sweden, Monday- Wednesday): There may well be some squiggly things above some of those letters, but it’s late and I’m tired. The Prisoners on the Fort‘s return to Swedish screens seems to by all accounts be a big success, and has probably made a better job at a competitive version than even the French. Or at least has retained some of the old personality. You can watch them here. Two more heats and the grand final on Wednesday.
  • America’s Got Talent (America, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:00 EDT/0000 GMT): We’re four shows into this week’s Board of Excitement, and only one of them is British. Or perhaps two if you count America’s Got Talent which is as good as.
  • A party (Friday): Alex is off to a party. I don’t think we’re invited 🙁
  • Two weeks to it being the next Schlag den Raab (Saturday night): Self explanatory.
  • University Challenge (8pm, Monday, BBC2) – Newcastle vs Sheffield. This should probably have gone nearer the top.

So there we are. British competitive entertainment is in rude health! Still, Only Connect is back next week.

36 thoughts on “INTERACTIVE Board of Excitement 29th August – 4th September 2010

  1. Kieran Joesph Jupe

    Monday 30th: BBC2 4:30PM – 5:15PM

    A brand new 30 episode series of POINTLESS!!!

  2. Kee

    Fort Boyard Sweeden Continues

    Monday TV4 8pm – Kids vs Parents
    Tuesday TV4 8pm
    Wednesday TV4 8pm – Final

  3. Daniel

    The next Run for Money is on… Yesterday. Oh. Well, hopefully it’ll get YouTubed soon, so there’s something to look forward too!

  4. Chris S.

    America’s Got Talent (Tuesday, Wednesday 8:00 EDT/0000 GMT)
    Watch as America proves, once again, that they are completely incapable of voting for the next great Vegas act.

    1. art begotti

      That show has filled me with such incredible rage since the very first season. I honestly can’t watch the show for more than two minutes without swearing at the TV.

  5. Mart with a Y not a I

    Saturday night 7.15pm( 8.15pm CET) –
    exactly two weeks to wait before the next Schlag Den Raab starts.

    (can anyone else hear the sound of the bottom of the ideas barrel being sandpapered with gusto?)

    1. Travis P

      They can always use the games that Elton Vs Simon invented. Such has throwing mini basketballs whikst running on a treadmill and how many eggs an you put in your underwear.

      1. Mart with a Y not a I

        Actually Travis, I wasn’t having a dig at the creative team over a Rabb TV in my last posting. I was having an ironic dig at myself, for
        A) Managing to come up with a German gameshow (that I’m not really supposed to watch via the method I do) as the high point for this week on a gameshow forum
        B) Trying to get away with a Charlie Brooker style showboating alliteration for running out of ideas

        But now you mention it – a few new games of the September edition wouldn’t go amiss..

  6. Travis P

    Since Ratings Bear has not showed up in weeks, here are the ratings from 101 Ways to Leave a Gameshow.

    10th July 4.19
    17th July 4.05
    24th July 4.11
    31st July 3.41
    7th Aug 3.54
    14th Aug 3.39
    21st Aug 2.82
    28th Aug 2.39

    I thought certain people were saying it’s the best thing ever when the first show has been aired but it seemed nobody is interested come the final show last night. The partial blame will be placed on the BBC since they posted three out of the four exits on Youtube each week.

    1. David B

      Good riddance to bad nonsense. A good enough idea spoiled by some very poor editorial decisions.

      The ratings will fall off a cliff in 5… 4… 3… 2…

      1. Travis P

        Put it this way, Total Wipeout was getting nearly double the ratings in the same slot last year. They might as well rushed out another series.

  7. Des Elmes

    Uni Chal this week: Newcastle v Sheffield.

    There’s quite a bit to say about the team from South Yorkshire:

    – They’ve been regular visitors in the Paxman Era, this coming appearance being their eleventh.

    – They were runners-up in the 2007/8 series – but, as we all now know, would have been declared champions had the Beeb been informed AT THE TIME OF BROADCAST *raises fingers and thumbs above head, and does pinchy thing with them* that Christ Church Oxford’s Charles Markland had moved to Balliol by the time the final was filmed.

    – Their last appearance came the following year, when they comfortably beat Murray Edwards, AKA The Cambridge College Formerly Known As New Hall, before rather blowing it against Exeter. That same Exeter side went on to face Gail Trimble’s Team in their next match… you might think that had Sheffield been there instead they would have put up a better performance, but that’s all too easy to say.

    There isn’t quite as much to say about the team from Tyneside:

    – This is their eighth appearance PE.

    – In their last appearance, also in 2007/8, they impressed fashion-wise – all four members wearing smart sweatshirts – but were well beaten by Manchester.

    – Their best performances thus far are quarter-final berths in 1995/6, 1999/2000 and 2001/2.

    The usual time, Monday at 8 on BBC2 – but the repeats appear to be far less regular than one might have thought when the series started. Does Auntie feel there might not be a need for them after all?

    1. David B

      I don’t really understand the point of comparing past form when zero of the competitors have been on the show before…

      1. Des Elmes

        Am I comparing past form?

        If so, then it’s purely accidental.

        For each institution, I’m just stating the number of appearances it has made in the Paxman Era, the furthest it’s got in a series of the era, and what happened in its last appearance (if it’s anything to write home about).

        It’s certainly not intended as a form guide or anything like that – it’s just useless information.

  8. Daniel

    No Run for Money yet. So for now, here’s something else from last week, in case anyone’s bored and wants something to watch.

    A few years ago I mentioned Million Family, where three members of a family had to hide in their house for 30 minutes to win a million Yen. They also set traps to hinder the hosts as they tried to find them. Well, the series ended a couple of years ago, but now they have occasional specials.

    A bunch of celebrities have to hide in a big areas (shopping centre, school, park) for several hours. If they can stay hidden until time’s up they win a million Yen.

    Last week’s episode was the biggest ever. 3 hour time limit, and a playing area of a big village:

    Part 1:
    Pt 2:
    Pt 3:
    Pt 4:
    Pt 5:

    I uploaded the two episodes last year too, so I can post the links if anyone wants them.

  9. Greg

    Thanks for the link to Fangarna pa Fortet i much prefer their 2 team format over the French one, everything seamed better to me. Music was the music i have come to know from Boyard, good graphics that keep up with the action and a format that is very easy to follow.

    I also like the whole black v white team uniforms and the fact that a team gets eliminated rather than having 2 teams battle for the treasure.

    Overall good show

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Ha, fun. I wonder if Gunde Svan was ever a contestant on the orignal? He wasn’t actually the first host, although doubtless the longest running.

      This is the one with Basshunter in it, Basshunter fans.

      1. Lee

        Sadly Balles De coton gate been removed. I feel that game has been ruined.
        Lets see how the kids are gonna do tomorrow.

          1. NJ

            It was rather stunningly entertaining, final today was a little confusing. Usual key contest but both teams battled for the treasure like in the French game, could anyone with knowledge of Swedish provide any insight into whether there was any advantage given from winning the keys?

          2. Lee

            Yea both teams played in the treasure room.
            There was a bonus of a bag of boyards which the winning team of the 5 keys got which would give them an advantage of like 5k in the treasure room.

            The final was better than france’s final tho

          3. Brig Bother Post author

            Yes, entertaining final. I was wondering how they were going to do it, seeing as traditionally their Treasure Room works a bit differently, and it turns out it’s “make it like normal”.

            A very entertaining series, well done the nation of Sweden!

  10. A Mysterious Commentor!

    So I have a tip but I can’t find the anonymous tip link, so I’ll be anonymous this way!

    I was given a survey and it turned out to be about Japanese game shows – it would play short videos and then ask questions about what I liked and didn’t like. Presumably, they’re trying to gauge interest about an English (speaking) audience.

    One was dumb and was about a woman trying to determine whether the audience would rate her boyfriend higher or lower than another man, but the one that caught my eye was rather in the vein of Run For Money.

    It was a more rural style, with the players in camouflage and hiding in bushes and the like, and it lasted 12 hous with 15 minute breaks every three hours. At the end, of those left in the game, the first to reach a flag won the prize (stated as $10,000).

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Ooh, ta for that. I’m not sure whether to bother with the Tip Off thing, as nobody used it properly anyway 🙁

      Anyway, that sounds very interesting!

  11. Lirodon

    Wipeout was sex last night. We had censorship, hot girls, no wet t-shirt contest, Jill going to the commentator’s booth as retaliation for being left out in the rain, a rather naughty looking gunging on the farm level, and one of the closest finishes I have EVER seen.

  12. Alex

    Unrelated to anything, nobody’s uninvited. And it’s not STRICTLY a party, but yeah, it involves getting to Derby by 6:30. Which’d be tricky, I’d assume.

  13. Alex

    Ooh, finished on Dave, now on Dave ja vu (scoff), ex-Mr. Boyard 2003 Chris Ellison hosts World’s Most Stupid Criminals.


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