Board of Excitement 13th-19th February 2011

By | February 13, 2011

Hello there. Right, sorry this is just a placeholder for now whilst I write some things about last night’s shows, which I wanted to do last night but the site went down for whatever reason. So… back in a bit!

Right, back now. Hopefully the problems the site was having last night were only temporary but do let me know via Twitter or whatever if they’re ongoing. What’s going on this week?

  • The Bother Series of Poker Game 3 it’s time for me to win lots of your money. Come and join us! (8pm, Sunday, Full Tilt) –Results and discussion.
  • Jeopardy – Very exciting this week, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter the two most winningest (urgh) players in the show’s history take on Watson, the IBM computer in a three day challenge match. (Monday-Wednesday, syndicated in the US)
  • Survivor: Redemption Island – US Survivor adapts an idea that’s been done on various other versions of the show many, many years ago although by the sounds of it again misses the point in it’s own American way. Rob and Russell are back. (Wednesday, CBS)
  • Power Source Struggle – ooh, now this is actually quite interesting, it’s a new kid’s adventure reality show set on the old Desert Forges set. I will put some pictures up during the week. A regular member of the Bar was involved in game designing. Two things: 1) It’s on the Al-Jazeera kids’s channel JCCTV. Happily this is apprently free to watch on Sky on channel 823. Also the website has a watch again service not limited to the middle-east (although the live feed is), although I’m looking for it in the schedules and can’t find it. Hmm. 2) in my head it’s called Power Struggle, so it should be called that. (8pm UK time, Friday, JCCTV) Edit: In fact the show is called Power Struggle. Now the question is: how the hell did I manage that?
  • Accumulate! We’ll see you… accumu-later!!! (Friday, RU:on)

Idle question: did anything exciting happen on Wetten Dass? last night?

26 thoughts on “Board of Excitement 13th-19th February 2011

  1. Travis P

    So, who won last night. Kernick Kernowles or Antan Dec?

    All New Total Wipeout: 4.38m (19.3%)
    Secret Fortune: 5.89m (24.8%)

    Ant & Dec’s Push the Button: 5.78m (24.8%)
    Take Me Out: 4.53m (18.9%)

    Secret Fortune won but only by a mere 110,000 viewers. Although the audience share was tied. Next week will be interesting as Lets Dance returns.

    1. Joe

      You’ve missed out Million Pound Drop which had another 2.5m. This series has been the show’s most popular to date 😀

      Also where are your ratings from? I’ve been informed that Push The Button beat Secret Fortune by a good half million when they were head to head.

        1. Travis P

          It has, looks like the experiment they did for the October/November series has proved dividends.

          Joe, I’m guessing the show will be looking at May/June for the next series if they want to keep the weekend schedule?

          1. Joe

            Not sure at this point. But May/June unlikely as Davina’s taking a well earned long break this summer from May for the first time in 11 years.

          2. Travis P

            Given we haven’t seen any celebrities for this series. I think I have got the impression something might happen for Comic Relief or am I totally wrong?

  2. Brig Bother Post author

    Apparently the original intention for Power Struggle was to do it at Spitbank Fort, which older members may remember was the setting for Banged Up With Beadle on Saturday Night Takeaway.

    1. Greg

      Can’t seem to find it in the listings on the website or any mention of it on the site yet, unless i am being slow.

      Has anything else been filmed at the Desert Forges set since it was canceled?

    2. David B

      Where did you hear this? As far as I’m aware it was always going to be filmed in the Middle East because the money was coming from there.

      It’s possible the transmission date has been bumped a little due to editing lead time. I’ll see if I can find out.

      In answer to the other question, this is the first show to reuse the location because some of the old Forges games were still in situ, including the forge itself.

        1. David B

          If it was an idea developed for UK then sold elsewhere later that would make sense.

  3. Des Elmes

    One team will be eliminated from this year’s UC tomorrow night: Magdalen Oxford or Christ’s Cambridge.

    After their masterclass win over Durham and a more hard-fought victory over Downing Cambridge, Magdalen faced Sheffield – and, as expected, it turned out to be an absolute cracker. But did the Oxford side let victory slip out of their hands? They led 230-220 with only time for one more starter… and Will Cudmore had a rush of blood to the head and incorrectly interrupted that starter, letting the South Yorkshire team in.

    Christ’s wins over Liverpool and Edinburgh were both achieved with the correct answering of every interrupted starter, and precisely two out of every three bonuses. But this consistency eluded them against Oxford Brookes, and they lost 185-160.

    One would expect that Magdalen were fairly disappointed to lose in the manner they did – but one would also expect that they’ll still be too good for Christ’s.

  4. art begotti

    Wetten Dass: Rather awesomely, Wetten Dass is pretty good at updating their YouTube channel.

    So far, it looks like there are only two bets from last night’s show up. One, where two guys attempt to put out 150 candles by throwing a frisbee back and forth, and the Kinderwette where two kids try to guess what page a quote from a certain book is found on. It appears they also start off the show talking about Samuel Koch and his condition and his impact on the show, but I don’t know German so I can’t translate it worth beans.

    1. art begotti

      My bad, it appears all the bets are up, you just have to scroll down past the “featured bets”. It looks like we also have a guy screwing in light bulbs on the ceiling of room with his foot, someone catching little sausages hit by his partner with a golf club in his mouth (this ends with a very strange victory gesture), and someone flicking bottle caps into glasses with his ear.

  5. David

    You might want to add Jeopardy! this week- Monday-Wednesday is the 3-day “IBM Challenge” where a computer plays against Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, the two most successful Jeopardy players ever..

  6. David B

    I was accessing the site yesterday every two hours or so without problems so I don’t think it was a hosting issue. Did you try using the Diwn Or Not site to see if it was just you?

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Possibly, although I was getting a load of people on Twitter asking if the site had gone down. It’s been down for hours at a time for me today, but we’ll give it a few days and see how it goes.

        1. Brig Bother Post author

          It’s strange – it’ll be down for ages, then it will run like the proverbial shit off a shovel, and seems to gradually slow down.

          As I’ve said, I’m sort of monitoring it. I can’t think of any reason why it should be the case. But it’s not just me – perhaps you’re lucky with your timings?

  7. James E. Parten

    I just watched the most recent “Accumulate!” on

    It’s hard to have total dislike for this program. Everybody is trying hard, but not too hard.

    Despite whatever shortcomings may arise from a budget that is limited to the sterling equivalent of twenty dollars, this show has something going for it. Game is fairly solid, and the host is quite fond of some cringe-worthy puns.

    I’m a little surprised that this has not spread beyond the boundaries of Reading University. BBC4 might well use this as either a complement (preceding or following on) or a supplement to “Only Connect”. Maybe with the Beeb behind them, they can afford a set!


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