Show Discussion: The Beat Goes On

By | August 24, 2011

11pm, Channel Five

This is on tonight as it turns out, although for some reason it’s on at 11pm and not nine as originally thought. Truly an entertainment show they’ve got a lot of confidence in, evidently.

Anyway thus us Gallowgate’s answer to Name That Tune because they couldn’t get the rights to Name That Tune. It features Dave Berry (a name sure to bring the kids in) and a dance machine end game.

I’ll be watching this on catch up, so look forward to readung your opinions.

11 thoughts on “Show Discussion: The Beat Goes On

  1. Chris M. Dickson

    To be fair, Channel 5 could not give it a better lead-in than Celebrity Big Brother and one might expect the audiences to be moderately similar in demographic. If it can sustain, say, 20% of CBB’s audience then I’m sure they’d be delighted.

  2. Greg

    I have to say i have enjoyed this, so going on what you guys usually think and what i normally think, no doubt it will be hated by you all here.

    Though thought it was odd, that even though the correct answers were given in round 2, they had to sing the song to get the points.

    It did feel like it could have been done in 30 mins, rather than an hour though. The expert singers are also a bit ropey.

    Waiting to see the DDR style final for the cash.

  3. Alex

    As someone who plays a shitton of DDR, that endgame is RIDICULOUSLY easy.

  4. Andy "Kesh" Sullivan

    Just finished watching it and I’ll give my 2 cents’s worth. To be honest, I liked it, even though music quizzes aren’t a strong suit for me, and music from nowadays is not my thing. The rounds were of a good variety, some were trickier than others. I did like the DDR-style final, starting off easy then steadily getting faster.

    Overall, I think I’ll give the next episode a watch, I reckon this could be a sleeper hit for Channel 5.

    1. Chris M. Dickson

      It does now! …though possibly only the online version, and every ad is the SAME Diet Coke spot. Fun once, very annoying very quickly.

      I’m with the consensus opinion; this does a lot of things right – more than I would have guessed going in – and is full of elements with inherent high entertainment value. The potential for this to be repeated all over the 5 family schedules is high. Nevertheless, if it were a bit smarter, it probably could have been a power-packed, slick advertisers’ half-hour rather than a flabby forty-four. Dave Berry has both more hits and more misses than most, so a tightly-packed show could see him play to his strengths as a chicken-in-a-basket Shane Richie. Er, whatever the comparative form of the adjective “chicken-in-a-basket” is.

      The silent disco round – perhaps they could have shown only the girl dancer for one song, only the boy dancer for the second and both dancers at once for the third, but get both teams to guess everything. The partial instrumentation round – cut out the gaps, bring the instruments in one at a time without hanging around, get the contestants to start singing as soon as they guess, and it it’s too similar to the first round, that’s no bad thing; there’s enough entertainment in the partial instrumentation. Karaoke round – same sort of thing as the silent disco round; repetition is for Teletubbies, just cut between the pitch-perfect singer and the contestant and back again as appropriate; the scoring and reveal are anti-climatic. The endgame needs sorting out; I’m not opposed to the principle or its simplicity (surely a two-footer at most? Barely paramount, let alone catastrophic!) but the principle could be implemented with so much more, well, drama. INCREDIBLE LACK OF JEOPARDY, as Brig might tweet.

      Entirely likeable, but sadly no better than “not bad” – and yet that’s enough to put it in contention at year-end…

      1. Alex

        “(surely a two-footer at most? Barely paramount, let alone catastrophic!)”

        Using the actual names for difficulties? Haven’t heard those for a while! If I see you in person I owe you a pint.

  5. Paul B

    It got 426,000 viewers, short of the slot average of 677,000, despite a healthy lead-in from BB. It also haemorrhaged viewers – starting with 631,000 and falling to 280,000 in the last fifteen minutes.

    For what it’s worth I thought it was nicely produced, Dave Berry was good, and it had some fun rounds. BUT it had a couple of rounds that they could quite easily have lost (the silent disco round and dancing charades rounds for example) to fit into a 30 minute slot. An hour of entertainment telly at 11 o’clock at night doesn’t half test your stamina. Alternatively they could have put it out in the pre-going-out slot on a Friday or Saturday where that Suggs one used to play.

    1. Lee

      How much longer are you going to be upset with me Alex chan I’m really really sorry


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