Amazing Race Australia 2

By | May 28, 2012

Here’s some fun news, The Amazing Race Australia begins its second season on Wednesday.

I haven’t been able to watch TAR for such a long time – obvious editing, not interesting challenges, poor route decisions, but I really enjoyed TARA last year which avoided most of the original series’ pitfalls and added some fun ideas of its own. Although hopefully we won’t get a repeat of the entirely misjudged big wheel challenge from the last final.

14 thoughts on “Amazing Race Australia 2

  1. CeleTheRef

    tonight I tuned on Canale5 and guess what? they changed Il Braccio e la Mente again!

    now the two contestants are against each other from the start. they both answer questions while taking the physical challenges. each correct answer adds some money to the player’s score, however the winner is the player with the best score in the last round alone (the one that used to be the “accumulation round”) and the overall score is just a tiebreaker.

    the end game is a single-player version of the old “fairy tale” game. the host gives clues about a famous person, each clue costing 1/10th of the initial bank. the contestant has only one chance to guess.

    good thing Mediaset will be re-running Tira&Molla on one of their DTT channels on that time slot ^_^

  2. art begotti

    IFC is debuting “Bunk”, a spoof game show somewhere in early June. Three comedians play nonsense games that mostly involve them blurting out random things to make the audience laugh. The host is a jerk, and in lieu of a timer, the intern is made to do (fake) painful things. Points are awarded randomly, as each contestant tries to win some non-charitable cause for themselves. All in all, it’s pretty bad… but in a hilarious train wreck sort of way. I’m happy I watched the pilot (on Hulu), just to see some standard game show conventions mocked (worthless doubling of points, spinning a meaningless wheel to determine a category). But one episode is enough.

  3. Travis P

    Currently working on a PowerPoint version of 1 Vs 100 (UK version).

    Can anybody confirm the actual font they used on the show for 1 Vs XXX and the questions.

  4. Alex

    The question font is one of the Zurich family (Zurich Extended?), and the 1 vs font is the fantastically-titled Vipnagorgialla.

  5. David

    The “controversial” Salvage Pass doesn’t seem that controversial to me…

    The team that won leg one got a choice; they could either get an additional 1 hour headstart in the 2nd leg, or they could save the team that came in last from being eliminated (though they would be marked for elimination- unless they win leg 2, they have to serve a 30 minute penalty at the end of the leg)..

      1. David

        I’m not sure if it’s up yet (it probably is somewhere), but the Wikipedia page had the info pretty quick.

        1. Brig Bother Post author

          Yep I’ve found it ta, I’m not going to get the chance to watch it until tomorrow but if anyone sees it then feel free to discuss and I’ll avoid the thread.

  6. Greg

    Great first episode, i will not spoil it since Brig has not seen it yet. Looks like from the preview of episode 2 they are visiting some tasks from the US series.

  7. Brig Bother Post author

    Enjoyed that, liked the opening puzzle, and enjoyed the surprise raft building.

    Salvage Pass was a bit of a let down really, an hour’s headstart worth very little given the bunch-up points. I thought the pass where you could jump a task was better.

    Incidentally there are two versions floating around the internet, one has cive minutes missing in the middle, you want the 69 minute one.

  8. SquareEyes

    Started watching this as well; always enjoyed TAR US for quite some time, easy to watch and it stays entertaining. First thing I can’t really get though is why the host is an exact copy of Phil? Introduction is like 100% similar to the original opening; why don’t they give him a bit of his own identity and method?

    Gonna keep watching though.

  9. Tom

    After the past two american series have been seriously dissapointing with barely anything to the legs, this is a welcome addition to my viewing schedule.

    Whilst series 18 US got a lot of things right, with cryptic clues and you know…actual TRAVEL, the past two series have been pretty awful. In one of the legs there was an 18 hour bus ride, then a roadblock which was ONE multiplication problem, then the pitstop. What is that?

    Australia seems to get the idea that making the teams actually travel between various locations within the country is kind of important, and that there should be more than 2 tasks per leg. The cast is also much better than the endless amounts of models and semi-famous people the US version insists on casting. The only bad point is, if you’ve seen Amazing Race Asia before, most of the legs/tasks, like last series, are a carbon copy of the legs run on the asian series (though the second episode in india seems to be new tasks).

    Salvage pass should have, you know, done more. I’m glad the girls got another chance but maybe something along the lines of “If Ross and Tarryn use the salvage pass to save the last place team, then if Ross and Tarryn come in last on any leg up until the 5th leg and the team they’ve saved is still in the game, then they will take the place of Ross and Tarryn in being eliminated/penalised if a non-elim”. It’d really make these teams work together, Ross and Tarryn would want the sisters around as a lifeline for if they came last, the sisters would want Ross and Tarryn not to come last as it’d end their game etc.

    Sadly, like the “Hazard” introduced in season 19 of the US series, it didn’t really do anything, never mind be controversial.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      I think this is produced by the same people who worked on Amazing Race Asia, and I read in an interview that they were perfectly happy to reuse tasks that they know worked. Which I think is fair enough really.

      What’s most pleasing about TARA is that the tasks are well thought out and quite puzzly and *difficult*, usually with something taxing before the pitstop. Building a raft was epic.

      1. Gizensha

        Indeed – They’re being done for a different audience, you may as well reuse what works if you think it’ll work for the new audience just as well as the original one, in the same way that The Mole used to have a fair amount of cross pollination of tasks between countries.


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