Muff Murfin

By | July 16, 2012

It’s no secret that we’d probably kill a man to get our hands on a full UK Gladiators original Muff Murfin soundtrack.

Obviously we already have the 1992 Glads soundtrack with extended cuts of the original seven events. This evening I noticed in the Eliminator lyrics, they somehow manage to rhyme “net” with “yeah”.

This evening I discovered this:

And I’m thinking “where did he get that from”?

Well it turns out that there was a SECOND CD released a year later with more tracks on it. There are used ones going for £1.98 on Amazon! Obviously I’m on it.

15 thoughts on “Muff Murfin

  1. Alex

    From looking at his account, the Powerball soundtrack in there isn’t the real Powerball.

    Pass. Nice licensed music though.

  2. Andy "Kesh" Sullivan

    What a blast from the past! I remember that my younger brother got the first soundtrack compilation on audio cassette! It got lost a long time ago. We were MAD on Gladiators when it was on! I even have a Gladiators quizbook somewhere when Glads like Hawk, Phoenix and Flame were in it.

  3. Gizensha

    Thinking about it, given the current pro-fitness campaign, I’m kinda surprised the BBC hasn’t commissioned anything to try and encourage general sports and fitness as part of its public service remit. Now, Gladiators probably wouldn’t go down well for this given it’s recent unsuccessful revival on Sky, but…

  4. David

    FYI- BBUS ends 9/19 (Survivor starts that night with a 90 minute ep, and BB probably has a 90 minute finale that night as well- TAR starts 9/30)…If you can do the math, you know something’s gotta happen….And it has been pretty good so far- the live feeds have had a ton of paranoia already, and it’s only Week 1.

    -I don’t know if they’ll show this on the TV show, but Saturday on the feeds Ian (who is a Digital Spy poster) recited from memory the eviction order of all the BB seasons..

    1. Dan Peake

      I was initially quite skeptical about the Coaches twist, as it basically makes them just 4 “tribes” or “teams”, but as seen in Episode 2, it seems to have accelerated the game play by a couple of weeks. I’m not completely sold on the coaches twist yet.

      How do you watch the live feed – can someone from the UK subscribe to them?

      1. Brig Bother Post author

        Hamsterwatch have links to a CBS Superpass through Real (Realplayer! Like it’s 1995!) – I’ll link to Hamsterwatch because it’s quite a fun site and they’ll get a commission if you use their link ( – don’t know if you can use it in the UK (unless you have a VPN). sounds like $40 for the season.

  5. Andy "Kesh" Sullivan

    Well, chaps, I have literally JUST got back from doing my Breakaway audition, and I shall find out sometime after August 16th if I have been successful or not. If I get a call, I’m on the show but if I get an email, I’m not.

    A couple of things. First, one of the other auditionees I was with was Lesley, who is currently one half of the blue team on Blockbusters right now!

    Second thing, there’s going to be some changes to the gameplay of Breakaway for this second series. The changes are:
    1 – There will now be 25 questions instead of 30. This will mean that there’ll only be 6 categories, then 7 general knowledge questions (2 blocks of 3 and a final question on its own). The Break points will still be in the same places, after every 3 questions.
    2 – Since there are only 25 questions, the questions on the Breakaway track will now be worth £400 each instead of £300. Questions on the normal track will still be worth £100 each, which will make splitting £2500 between 6 people a bit iffy should the whole team cross the line. I guess they’re banking on someone breaking away.
    3 – The biggest change, I think. You know how we tlked about how the lives were only worth anything on the Breakaway track? Well, should the team get a question wrong on the main track, a person with a life can now opt to sacrifice one to keep the pot intact which I think is a brilliant move! It gives the lives some value on the main track, rather than going to waste by not being on the Breakaway track.

    Let me know your thoughts about these new changes.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Thanks Andy, interesting. And also if they aren’t reducing the running time, requires more filling.

      I guess they’re banking on someone breaking away.

      I’d be a bit surprised if they didn’t! I’d be intrigued to know if they’ve changed where the break points are.

      1. Brig Bother Post author

        Actually not sure I love sacrificing a life for the team. It looks clever, but if the pot dies and at £400 a question, probably best just to let it happen and make a break for it.

    2. Another Breakaway Auditionee

      1 – really? They told us that the shortened track was just for the audition. Of course, things may have changed since I auditioned.

      I like 3 – this prevents the whole “oh dear, they got a question wrong, now the prize fund is tiny and nobody cares any more” aspect. I’m also getting a slight hint of Divided – somebody may keep their life to try and break away, incurring the wrath of their team-mates.

      1. Another Breakaway Auditionee

        The only thing I worry about is the mechanism for implementing this rule. Supposedly, if multiple people have lives to sacrifice, a 10-second Pokerface countdown is activated. This could really slow down the game.

    3. Zeus

      “…should the team get a question wrong on the main track, a person with a life can now opt to sacrifice one to keep the pot intact”

      I like this rule, especially for nearer the end of the game; so disappointing to see loads of money banked by a solo player only to have the group lose it immediately on the next question they answer!

  6. Mart with a Y not a I

    Back for a mo to Muff Murfin.

    I used to be mates with someone who used to work on one of MM’s local radio stations.
    One day looking around at the studio with the lack of talkover beds, he approched Mr Murfin and asked if he could go along and cobble together some new beds for the station.

    So off he went, and was shown the archive room at his studios, and to his slightly anoraky delight was all the masters from Gladiators, and more brilliantly, the Classic Matthew Kelly years You Bet music and beds (MM apparently published the music for John Sorrell)

    Sadly, the some (not all) of the master tapes were oxidising on the reel to reel player and they kept having to stop to blow the tape dust off the heads.

    He offered to digitise everything in that room his own time and for free – but was offered a presenting gig far far away and never got around to it.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Funnily enough someone who works with him contacted me on Twitter last night and suggested the masters still existed. I basically said “name your price”. Sad that it may not be possible.


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