They’re remaking Knightmare…

By | July 24, 2013

as a one-off for Youtube’s Geek Week in August. Hugo Myatt and Tim Child are involved, they’re filming it in Norwich and it involves Youtube celebrities who aren’t Tom Scott.

There’s something about this and Knightmare Live I find a little offputting, I can’t help but think there’s going to be a lot of mugging and irritating knowingness for geeks who get the joke to laugh just a little too loudly at. Have a great time.

But you never know.

17 thoughts on “They’re remaking Knightmare…

  1. Michelle

    From Broadcast magazine just now:

    Classic CITV show Knightmare is returning for a one-off online special as part of YouTube’s Geek Week.

    Show creator Tim Child, who developed the original series, is to come out of retirement to produce the 30-minute show, which will headline a week of sci-fi, fantasy and animation-led content scheduled to run on the Google-owned site from 4 August.

    Hugo Myatt will reprise his role as Treguard the Dungeon Master, along with Mark B Knight who played the show’s villain Lord Fear. They will be joined by new cast members including Isy Suttie (Peep Show) and Jessie Cave (Harry Potter).

    The retro CGI production, in which a team of youngsters attempt to negotiate a series of challenges set in a fantasy castle, will be produced in its original Norwich-based Anglia Television studio.

    Child said he was surprised to have been asked by Google to revive the show.

    “When I got the first contact email I thought it was some weird variant of the classic Nigerian web-scam’. Even now I still can’t believe it,’ he said.

    Around 100 YouTube creators will also be producing a range of sci-fi, fantasy, science, education, animation and gaming online content to celebrate Geek Week.

  2. Matt Clemson

    My housemate just recently watched through all the Knightmare that was on Youtube. I hold him responsible for this.

  3. Qusion

    I ma a bit reassured that Tim Child is involved. As Brig noted it has the potential to just be a load of in jokes and catchphrases. Hopefully however it will be a fully formed episode that pays homage, gently, to the original series.

    I didn’t mind Knightmare VR by the way, it did a few things quite well – it just needed a blind dungeoneer and proper advisors and it would have been much better. The Slice-Me-Dice-Me was one of the best floor puzzles Knightmare has had.

  4. Kieran Jupe

    Finally! Being the target audience for these people pays off!

    Here’s everything I could find photo wise so far.

    Dan’s Instagram has a nice photo of them with the CG added in.
    (In order, Phil, Dan, Ashens (who is the dungeoneer for the episode) and Emma)

    Here’s a photo of them on the “stage”

    Plus, I managed to get a tweet from Ashens last night. I asked if it would be like the good old days and this was his reply:

    @OMGKazzaJ Hell yeah. Same actors / writer / producer / studio / look / feel. And no eye shield!

    I have hope for this one. At least it can’t be as bad as YouTube Comedy Week…

    1. Alex McMillan

      I’m glad to hear Ashens is involved. I just really hope the three guides don’t keep making jokes, I just want them to play the game.

  5. David

    If you can get it (might be region-blocked), a preview of “Capture” starting next week:

    and the teams:

    From what I can gather, the game goes like this:

    -One team is designated as a “hunt team”- their objective is to catch two other teams in 48 hours or less (and they have to catch both players)

    -To make a capture, they have a special silver disc which when put on the back of one of the other team’s vests causes it to light up.

    -The vests also are equipped with GPS trackers, and if a team stops moving for more than a couple of minutes, their location is alerted to the hunting team.

    -The two caught teams then face a vote by the other teams as to who should be eliminated (bit of a copout I think)..

    -12 teams start, so I suspect in the last episode the final 3 or 4 teams will be trying to catch each other, with the last person standing winning the prize for their team

    -Obviously this is after the Hunger Games crowd- while there’s no deaths, there is blood (as seen in the trailer).

    1. Andrew 'Kesh' Sullivan

      I saw in the comments that a lot of people were comparing this to The Hunger Games, but I was thinking that it’s more like Run For Money with the Hunters replaced by another team and a bit of Mantracker thrown in.

      I’m actually intrigued by this series and through whatever means, I’ll try and watch it.

  6. Matt Clemson

    Some folks from major fansites were on the set, and they’ve commented that they feel that is was done, well, ‘properly’, for want of a better work; not snidely injokey, just taken completely seriously.

    I’m really rather optimistic, but we’ll see!

  7. Chris M. Dickson

    The BBC has a piece on the stage show and I think they’re going to get away with it.

    Judging from the Kickstarter there is no shortage of people who want to play, though getting enough people to watch may be tricky, and I think that playing the stage show for laughs is a very neat solution. Someone suggested that the way to do it would be to set up an attraction for alternative stag nights and similar high-end parties, which strikes me as very smart.


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