It’s Schlag den Raab Saturday! 16th November 2013 #bbsdr

By | November 16, 2013

schlagdenraabIt’s been over two months since the last one but again, AGAIN, Stefan Raab will try and stop a member of the public taking his €2.5m fortune over fifteen games on Prosieben tonight and again, AGAIN we will be attempting to provide a live commentary and hijinks, right up until they shut off the illegal naughty streams and we can’t be bothered to find new ones, probably.

Tonight also includes the musical acts of Eminem, Katy Perry and Adel Tawil. I know, THE Adel Tawil! Too exciting.

The fun starts at 7:15pm UK time (8:15 local time) for the contestant picking, the games don’t begin until 8pm (9pm CET) and is likely to go on until around midnight, so feel free to dip in and out as you see fit. And hey! Don’t forget to get in touch via our Youtube comment stream or #bbsdr on Twitter and we’ll probably read them out, because we’ve got about five hours to fill.

This is the standard stream will we basing our commentary on.

Here is our backup stream.

Link to the live commentary Part 3

18 thoughts on “It’s Schlag den Raab Saturday! 16th November 2013 #bbsdr

  1. Lewis

    Two things:
    1) betting has been up for this at William Hill here for a while now. The odds haven’t changed in that time, 1/2 for Raab to win and 6/4 for the kandidat to win.
    2) I have actually taken the liberty to bookmark an extra 2 backup feeds so if our usual feed does get pulled, we have somewhere we may be able to go. I’ll provide links probably via twitter if necessary, which of course we’ll mention on the commentary.

  2. David

    This first game has been used before- it’s one of those that could end quick or go a while…

  3. Andrew 'Kesh' Sullivan

    Another fantastic commentary, guys! Just 5 weeks until the next one, already looking forward to it.

    Some fairly good games this time around, Poolball being an especially good one.

      1. Matt Clemson

        Yeah, extensive ricochets weren’t really viable, which did rather limit people’s options at any given time.

        1. Andrew 'Kesh' Sullivan

          Personally, I thought the balls were a bit too light, so you couldn’t do shots like screwbacks or anything like that, so it made it look like the cue ball would just follow the ball you were aiming at and cause you to foul, like what happened with Stefan on his solid yellow ball against the cushion.

      2. Daniel H

        Great commentary! As I popped on the YouTube comments towards the end not seen one that one-sided for a while and rarely can you say that of the many games the contestant lost, the one he was closest to winning was Blamieren

      1. Alex S

        I suspect that’s more my poor writing skills than anything, it really isn’t complicated at all. It boils down to installing a program and copying and pasting a single line of text into Notepad. I managed to do it during one of the ad breaks last night.

    1. Lewis

      Modified instructions:
      1) install the program as described in the doc
      2) create a shortcut somewhere (say, your desktop) to the livestreamer exe (which you’ll be able to find through file trees with the browse button) and save it
      3) right click the icon and hit properties. In the target field, add ” source” to the end (sans quotes but with leading space) then hit ok
      4) enjoy your new shortcut (because who uses a batch file these days??? :P)

      Options for the URL and quality (the “source” bit) are shown in the doc.

      1. Alex S

        That’s definitely a much better way of doing it, I’ll modify the doc to try and simplify it when I get chance. The batch file method was just the one given when I first found this thing, I hadn’t even though about doing it within a shortcut!

  4. James

    SdR got 3.06m (12.4%) in overall viewers; and 1.92m (19.7%) in 14-49 viewers.

    Above 3m for the first time since March, but share in 14-49 is below 20% for the first time since January. This is hardly surprising, giving that Prosieben hardly gave it any promotion and Raab didn’t even advertise it during his nightly chat show (which he normally does).

    Whilst the show still does well for Prosieben, it is fair to say that since Steven Gatjen has taken over, the ratings have taken a slight blow. Last night there were decent games and decent music acts, yet the show felt very flat. I’m not normally one to suggest changing presenter, but I think they need to.


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