ITV buys Talpa for £350m

By | March 12, 2015

So that’s exciting isn’t it? I believe expert salesman John de Mol is obliged to stay on for three years (although I might be wrong). Look out for many one-series wonders coming to ITV soon, inevitably.

It also means that yes, ITV will effectively be making The Voice for BBC1. ITV Studios making shows for other channels isn’t very new, however.

In other news, the Deal or No Deal Noel’s Quiz app is finally out on Android and iOS. We’ll have a play around with it when we’ve got a spare minute, it’s free to download with in-app purchases.

23 thoughts on “ITV buys Talpa for £350m

  1. Brig Bother Post author

    A Talpa employee suggests:

    “final price $1.17b contingent on Talpa hitting profit growth targets over the next 8 yrs + de Mol staying on board for that time”

    So potentially £700m, then.

    1. Delano

      Provided De Mol stays where he is, he famously laments his CEOship when the topics comes up.

  2. Mart With A Y Not An I

    In other news. Here’s what we’ll be talking about around here for a few the next few months.

    Two things, that made me put down my sandwich when reading this at lunchtime at work…

    OC gets the nod for another 29 episodes. Blimey

    And I know it’s only a pilot – but ‘Airheads’ does sound like it could be a sung fit for the ‘suddenly problematic’ Sunday night 8pm BBC Two slot..

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Ooooh, The Hive must be the show that was looking for contestants earlier.

      Don’t dismiss Can’t Touch This either, Kieran Doherty’s one of the good guys I think, responsible for School of Hard Sums, Secret Fortune and Take the Money and Run, amongst others.

  3. Brig Bother Post author

    Episode 1 of Wild Things up on Sky On Demand, I gather. Will have a Show Discussion post up for the first “proper” broadcast on Sunday.

    Also to look forward to: You’re Back In The Room on Saturday and The Edge on Monday.

  4. John R

    Nice to see Win Your Wish List get a second series. Bit of an unexpected ratings hit! Presumably ITV saw an episode then threw the tapes away from that similar show with Eaamon and Ruth too!

    Also maybe I totally missed it but did the actual show Pressure Pad ever receive a second or third series?

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Pressure Pad got a second series which pretty much bombed (it was shunted to BBC2 no-man’s-land a few weeks into the run), and nobody is quite sure why.

      1. Delano

        I also don’t see Perfection being recommissioned. One tweep who replied to me last November saw this coming…

  5. Daniel H

    “…Curtis Jackson III
    Shawn Carter
    Sean Combs
    Marshall Mathers III”



    “Is the link Rappers…?”

    BZZ – “No… It’s real names of rappers…”

    1. David B

      This sort of thing winds me up something rotten. Anyone who thinks this kind of thing is acceptable really needs to leave the business. It’s no fun for the contestants and it’s no fun for the viewers. It just gives game shows a bad name.

      1. Mart With A Y Not An I

        Although some of the answers on The Link have been ‘curious’ this series to say the least – in this case, they got it spot on..

        None of those rappers are known by their real names when performing/releasing records/being arrested on assault charges, so to say they are just plain ‘rappers’ is incorrect, as it’s the real names and not ‘P Diddy’ or ‘Emenem’ should have alerted the contestants to this.

        1. David B

          That’s like saying Michael Caine is an actor but Maurice Micklewhite isn’t.

          1. Brig Bother Post author

            Agreed, if you want to make a connection about the real names of celebrities then that’s fine, but as soon as you make them all rappers the connection is: they’re rappers. The contestants have *clearly* made the logical leap, and have been ruled wrong because everyone involved in the production is apparently awful.

            Second best show of 2014.

    2. Qusion

      Isn’t there usually some sort of adjudicator for things like this. As someone has mentioned before either need a ‘have another go’ rule or they need to give the point and do a pick up with the answer as given on the card.

      When we play board games as a family we have the ‘need a little bit more’ rule for when the answer on the card is more detailed than the given one. Then again we also have the ‘Google it’ rule for when we don’t agree with the card so maybe we aren’t the best example.

  6. Alex McMillan

    Living in Belfast, I’ve been racking my brain as to where on earth “Can’t Touch This” could be filmed and I’ve really no idea where would be appropriate to house a giant assault course. Assuming it would need to be indoors, none of the BBCs studios in Belfast are even close to big enough, it would have to either be Titanic Studios or the Odyssey Arena, Gladiators-style. Anywhere else and it’s going to be way too small.

    1. David B

      You don’t always have to have a studio. Crystal Maze was filmed in an aircraft hangar.

      1. Alex McMillan

        Even still, Belfast doesn’t have a lot of large indoor spaces at all. Plus I assume a show like that will want an audience.

        Curiouser and curiouser…

    2. Matt Clemson

      I’m sort of envisaging You Can’t Touch This as an adult competitive version of the grand final of Fun House.

      1. Alex McMillan

        Now I’m going to be disappointed if it’s not this with Pat Sharp hosting

  7. Alex McMillan

    Having been hooked on GameTrailers’ Tabletop Adventures series recently, specifically their Fiasco episodes (–episode-4—beyond-the-canadome-) it’s made me wonder if people playing Fiasco would work as a series. Watching a group of people trying to act out characters off the cuff with partially random motives and relationships is great fun, becoming more sort of longform improv than a game. Having various writers or actors on to pick at their creative brains would be fascinating. You could probably cut the gameplay down to an hour, might work on BBC Four.

    Maybe I’ve just gone mad.


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