Crime Scene IS BACK

By | April 5, 2015

That’s right murder mystery fans, Korean show Crime Scene has returned for a second series with a mixture of old faces and new, and once again Bumdidlyumptious is subbing them for our entertainment. You can find a link to all the subbed Series 2 episodes here.

Crime Scene is the show where celebrities investigate a mocked up version of a fictionalised version of an  actual real crime by getting into the roles of potential suspects and cross-examining each other and investigating the crime scene for clues. The “murderer” must do everything they can to throw suspicion on to someone else. We discussed season one here, we’ll set up a new page for season two if there’s enough call for it.

13 thoughts on “Crime Scene IS BACK

  1. Tom F

    Some expectation management; s2e1 is a bit of a warm-up episode with only cast introductions and a mini-case. Although it’s quite nice, it’s not much.

  2. Mr Easter Monday Feed Line

    Oh man! Did you hear that last night’s lecture on the largest asteroids set a viewing figure record for BBC FOUR?

    1. Mr Easter Monday Feed Line

      Viewing figure record?

      They should do a Ceres!

  3. Brig Bother Post author

    Two interesting things:

    * Weekly guest stars get first pick of the roles.
    * Each week will always have a detective character who is definitely not the criminal and gets two votes.

    Instead of gold, everyone gets $1k in prizemoney every week ($2k for the ‘tec) and ‘bet’ it on the criminal. Most ‘bets’ goes to jail, and if they’re correct the money goes in their bank. If the criminal gets away, they take all the money ‘bet’ on the loser. Top three winners at the end get to keep their bank. Not huge money, but as hosts they’re getting paid anyway I’d presume.

  4. Deo

    Is it just me or Dongmin looks older in the Crime Scene banner?

  5. riesa

    The second season will be much more interesting than the first. And… more cases to be solved. The cast seems much better.

  6. riesa

    The new season seems to be better than the first season. There’s a slight change in format.

  7. Matt Clemson

    It’s a nice touch that it’s in-character right from the start; indeed, it’s actually quite serious until they get around to poking at the scene looking for evidence and the jibing and accusations begin.

    Clues seemed quite well hidden with a good deal of red herrings; it seemed that there was a lot more clues that needed light puzzle-solving to get to, as well. Casting seems mostly good, too; We already knew Jiyoon and Jinho, of course. Hani and Dongmin threw themselves into it. Not quite taken with Jang Jin yet, though – but then, the Detective role would mean he’s not able to show a great deal of personality.

  8. Jenny

    I thought Kim Jihoon was the best performing guest that Crime Scene ever had. Season 2 has a more immersive and realistic format. I enjoyed E02 very much. E03 looked even more interesting with the victim all wrapped up like a mummy and found dead in his own shop which was destroyed by fire.

  9. Matt C

    Before I actually watch it, is the most recent Crime Scene the first part of a two-parter? There’s an episode still to come, but the buildup to this one had an air of finality, which suggests that maybe it is.


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