Is it the new Bamboozle?

By | April 1, 2022

A new “thing” dropped on Netflix today hot on the heels of interactive quiz cartoon, a quizoon if you will, Cat Burglar, is a new daily trivia quiz Trivia Quest based on the app of the same different name (Trivia Crack).

Each day you can face 12 (or if you want to have a crack at the hard mode, an additional 12 to make 24) multiple-choice questions loosely based around a theme based around categories that are basically the same as Trivial Pursuit‘s. Each question you get right you earn coins, earn enough coins (and it keeps track day to day) and you get to release one of your ten friends from captivity as part of the thrilling ongoing storyline (sort of, the story bits are incredibly short and you don’t get it between quiz questions). You can replay each episode to get a better score if it bothers you that much.

Each set of twelve is done and dusted in about four minutes. In theory there are new questions every day in April. I didn’t think the harder questions were that much harder than the standard ones – certainly workoutable in the main, but your mileage may vary.

It’s not bad, in the Interactive Netflix Is A Step Higher Than Interactive DVDs sort of way. The question is: is this going to become your teatime fix (and if you liked Bamboozle on Teletext it’s really not much different except you don’t have to wait for the page numbers to tick round and you don’t get sent back to an earlier question when you get one wrong. Oh and Voice Acting.), or like a lot of this sort of thing, is it going to become work and you end up resenting it? I’d be really interested to see what sort of numbers it does throughout the month – sadly it’s unlikely we’ll ever be privy to them.

One thought on “Is it the new Bamboozle?

  1. SonOfPurple

    On a TC-through-the-TV tip, I’ve just recently added the free PlayWorks-powered Trivia Crack app to my Roku – on first load, default is the US question pack but it is able to switch to UK via a setting at the top of the frontpage! Functionality-wise it’s simple enough to use, in line with other PW games on the system, and usually includes a preroll and sometimes a midroll ad (alongside the option of watching an ad to continue after a wrong guess, or to double your bonus at game-end) – though it suffers slightly from the small pool of ads the Roku draws from (I’ve seen the trailer for The Northman quite often enough, now, thanks!) There’s also a store where you can exchange actual money for advantages, if IAP is your thing…


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