BB Live Feed returns

By | June 4, 2010

For some reason, I’m getting mildly excited about Big Brother this year, although doubtless I’ll have stopped watching it after about three days. But anyway, the exciting news is that the live feed is OFFICIALLY back, albeit online (hey! It’s just like the first series!) on the official site, and not free (Although keep checking the site as they’re giving away 1,000 free passes). All we need now is a camp homosexual and a black woman WITH ATTITUDE, and we’ll be right to the Big Brothers of old.

Big Brother starts on Wednesday night on Channel 4.

23 thoughts on “BB Live Feed returns

  1. Tom H

    Over in France, the current TLMVPSP champion (125 victories to his name now) is apparently getting hate mail.


  2. Travis P

    Those who can find a naughty feed can see the TV Total Autoball WM 2010 from 7.15pm this evening. To refresh your mind. It’s basically the Schlag den Raab/Beat the Star carball game but features eight drivers and a round robin, knockout tournament.

    Germany’s national hero Stefan Raab will represent the country and defend his title while Ross Antony will represent England. Muse will provide the musical interlude.

    Given what happened last time (2008), expect brutal driving and crashing.

    1. art begotti

      So long as no mountain bikes are involved, we’ll be fine.

      Thanks, will keep an eye out (even though it’s probably starting right now and I still have work to do).

  3. Travis P

    Just saw a very interesting promo on Pro7.

    Coming soon – Solitary.

    1. art begotti

      Interesting, I just now saw the ad. If I’m guessing right, Val is called “Alice” in this version. July 17, mark the calendar.

        1. Brig Bother Post author

          It’s interesting that Sonja Kraus is involved – presumably she’s going to be the voice of Alice?

          I’m not sure why they’ve changed VAL to Alice, you see the joke is…

          1. art begotti

            Only ten days? Didn’t our version run for somewhere close to four weeks or so?

          2. Brig Bother Post author

            Mmm, I thought I read that somewhere, but I can’t find any reference to it anywhere.

  4. art begotti

    Thanks for the feed. Just started watching, Raab v. Netherlands. I find it funny that we have a similar thing here in the US (it’s an annual thing at our county fair), but usually the emphasis is more on the demolition side of things.

    1. Travis P

      I thought they were going to be more cautious tonight after the first tournament in 2008 but no chance of that happening 🙂

      I wondered when the ball was going to burst. Looks like they are running behind schedule, suppose to finish at 11.15pm BST.

      Raab Vs England will start around 10.30pm BST.

      1. art begotti

        Heh, did they just announce “ball number 7?” Over here, we use a heavier ball, so there’s less chance of it bursting… Actually, the ball itself has been known to do damage to cars at times!

        1. Travis P

          Not surprised if it is the seventh ball (been watching Britain’s Got Talent tonight). Apparently the Dutch guy driving used to present The Price is Right back in the day.

          1. art begotti

            Guess who’s doing a guest performance right now. You get one guess, and you can only pick from people who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2010.

          2. Alex

            Give ’em their moment, they haven’t won it since 1982.

          3. art begotti

            Oh, I’m not saying it was a bad song (I rather liked it, actually), I’m just expressing ironic non-surprise about how she was a featured guest on a Raab program. I was expecting to see her on the next SdR, but since she was on here, that might be overkill. Or not.

  5. Brekkie

    The BB house is bloody gorgeous – by far the best ever and for once very modern and stylish.


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