Walking in a Winter Wipeout Land

By | October 13, 2010

Thanks to Alex Buzzerblog for the heads up, eight episodes of Winter Wipeout coming.

This would have excited me last year, but this year I did something I wasn’t expecting – get bored of Wipeout. Yes, the commentary has more pep than other versions, but the obstacles have all become basically sweeper arms and/or a bit cheap (not as in not costing money, as in rather lazily thought out).

I know I’m in the minority when I say there’s only so many ways people falling off things is going to be funny, but this season forcing it to happen with impossible obstacles just didn’t feel right at all. I want to be dazzled by people’s skill as well. It’s all become a bit one-note.

25 thoughts on “Walking in a Winter Wipeout Land

  1. Joe

    Anyone know if Nick Knowles’ new National Lottery programme, Secret Fortune, will ever been shown on TV? I swear they announced it about 1 year ago and they still haven’t shown it!!

    1. Travis P

      They recorded the series in June and guessing they will slot it next year. They have already got another series of In It to Win It airing in the new year with Who Dares Wins in the spring, so I’m guessing it will air around May.

  2. Israguy

    Nice to hear that Wipeout will be back in January, though I seriously hope they’ve already taped it- given the temperatures during the winter, people inevitably falling into the water repeatedly will probably be a bit more dangerous then the usual series.

    In other news, the first (as far as I know) international version of The Million Pound Drop premiered tonight here in Israel. It’s called [b]Al Tapil Et Hamillion[/b] (Don’t Drop the Million), same format as the original, with one new feature the UK version could use: Much like the original, there’s an online game going on simultaneously with the studio game. Over here, at the end of the show, the host will call up the player who did the best in the game throughout the show (a la The Vault), and he gets to play an abbreviated version of the game for up to NIS 100,000- 5 virtual stacks of 20K each, 3 questions- one with 4 answers, on with 3, and then one with 2.

    1. David Howell

      Isn’t it taped in Argentina? That’s in the southern hemisphere, so it’ll actually be colder if it’s taped in June-August…

      Although I’m pretty sure what it’ll actually entail is just some new themed obstacles.

  3. Brig Bother Post author

    No, the US one tapes in Texas, although they film them all in Winter anyway.

    I believe a Russion version of The Money Drop already exists.

        1. Brig Bother Post author

          Yep, did good ratings as well.

          I am still not convinced about the format’s long term success, but accept it’s been sold well.

  4. Lirodon

    Well, I think they film in California, so I betcha they lampshade this.

    Also, TPiR is doing a Wizard of Oz special for Halloween this year.

  5. James E. Parten

    I am afraid that I am with Brig Bother on this one.

    Back in the second season of “Wipeout” here, I stopped watching about midway through the season.

    In the most recent season, I’d watch the new episodes–but when NBC counterprogrammed with “Minute to Win It”, I went with the hyper-caffeinated revival of “Beat the Clock”.

    This could be a successful move on ABC’s part. Or, it could be a case of “wearing out its welcome”. We shall see.

  6. CeleTheRef

    new gameshow in Italy on Italia1 from November 8th.

    it’s about recognising celebrities by modified pictures.
    the bonus round is the same game, but the pictures are placed on the faces of a cube. how exciting -_-

    the tentative title is “Facce da Cubo” (Cube Faces), one letter away from “Ass Faces”

    you can bet Enrico Papi himself invented this.

    also I know of something special happening tomorrow on WWTBAM…

    1. Travis P

      What time does WWTBAM? air as if I get back in time I might watch it.

      As for “Facce da Cubo”, it’s something Vic & Bob probably invented but for a full show rather than an ongoing joke.

      1. CeleTheRef

        WWTBAM begins at 6:50PM Italian time (should be 5:50 in the UK) but schedules change wildly here (it was 6:45 until a few days ago)

        a comedian recently joked “there’s been a change in the schedule: Canale5 now airs on Rai2!”

    1. Israguy

      Wow, nice find.

      One thing interests me, though: It’s easy to see the qualifier, the Overdrive/Double Cross, the Bruiseball course, and the Wipeout Zone, but what’s the round thing between the Bruiseball course and the Wipeout Zone? And where’s the other round 3 obstacle, the one where they have to go through a course while people are throwing stuff at them? (I think it was called the “One Ring Surface”… Can’t remember.)

      1. Brekkie

        Your questions answer each other then. That square pool is the one used for the Spinner and “One Ring Circus” type rounds.


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