Yeah, but it’s just luck isn’t it?

By | November 3, 2010

22nd November is when Deal or No Deal will be celebrating the fifth anniversary of the third week of it being on air – an unusual thing to celebrate by all accounts, but then DoND is that sort of a show. At least it isn’t calling itself “six in Big Brother years”.

Old faces are promised, as well as a hilarious VT and a twist which could add thousands of pounds. The idea that the show was ever as popular as it was was mainly because of Bother’s Bar is mysteriously being swept under the carpet.

I might go into the internet archive to see what exactly people were saying about the show five years ago (it’ll never last, that sort of thing). Does anyone have any favourite comments?

21 thoughts on “Yeah, but it’s just luck isn’t it?

  1. Gizensha

    My deriving the Absolute balance, and later… Was it Weaver?… deriving the Significant Balance from… I think Trevor’s game… Was a fun series of comments, as I recall.

    Mister Al explaining in detail why using an arithmetic mean to assess the generocity of the banker in any given game based on percentages his offers were of the mean was far inferior to using the geometric mean.

    Anything relating to Bunny’s songs.

  2. Travis P

    I had the impression they were only celebrating with one, never gave it a thought it would be a whole week of shows.

    I suspect with the twist they’ll use the candle twist on previous anniversaries. e.g. The gold candle will double your money.

  3. Joe

    I can give you some exclusive info… ITV has picked up a new Endemol show. It is based on a very popular (relatively) new format which has gripped the Americans in their millions.

    More info to be released in due course.

    1. Travis P

      Is this something to do with the two new shows Davina McCall is hosting on the channel in the new year?

  4. Score

    From what I gather from info on Digital Spy it sounds similar to The Marriage Ref butI maybe wrong there.

    1. Travis P

      It would be funny if it is.

      “It is based on a very popular (relatively) new format which has gripped the Americans in their millions.”

      Yeah… millions…

      Premiere episode – 14.476 million
      Season finale (episode 12) – 4.66 million

      Me see Yankie no likey Marriage Ref.

      1. Alex

        And it’s worth saying that the first ep’s ratings were possibly boosted because of having the Winter Olympics closing ceremony as a lead-in.

        1. Kylie

          The second series of Marriage Ref is now unlikey to happen according to a few Us media sites. ‘production issues’

          1. Gizensha

            Is that code for ‘the ratings went into freefall?’

          2. David B

            That’s a heck of a freefall. Any known reason behind it?

          3. Mart with an Y not an I

            Even ITV should run for the hills if offered The Marrage Ref.

            When I saw it back in March on NBC, I thought it was bad (even by US TV standards). Half baked-half thought through full of holes format – obviously commissioned by the peacock network on the back of pitch which included a lot of Jerry Seifeld grinning at them in the room.

            Most amusing aspect of the whole thing, was reading in the credits that although it was a primetime NBC show – it was made at CBS studios in New York.

          4. art begotti

            Oh, I forgot, this was a Jerry Seinfeld production, wasn’t it? Perhaps the Seinfeld Curse sorta wore off on him as well?

        1. Travis P

          The UK version was a co-production between Initial Endemol and Talpa.

  5. David Howell

    My prediction that Episode 17 would be quite good. And the rest; it’s still the biggest win ever without a deux ex machina (second biggest, if you believe Laura’s £45k offer doesn’t count).

    “This board has a wider range than Mariah Carey” – Weaver, 22nd February 2006. And some comedy gold from 1p Trevor’s game shortly after. In fact, just about any game from early 2006 has got some truly memorable comments from Weaver.


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