5 thoughts on “Nice to sing you…

  1. Simon

    Question sbout tonight’s BB Twist (in which they have reduced the prize money for the winner from £100k to £50k and asked the remaining HM’s to split the remaining £50k into pre-determined amounts (£30k, £15k, £4k, £990 and £10)).

    Is it possible for a gameshow to legally forbid contestants to just share the prize money between them and if so, how enforcable is it?

    1. Travis P

      Depends what it states in their contract. I know most shows forbids any contestant to share their prize with any rivals/opponents.

      1. Simon

        I gather that but how is that legally enforcable without a production company having access to contestants bank accounts?

    2. Travis P

      As for the Big Brother twist. It’s basically a drugged up version of Divided (oh what a surprise, guess which brand owns that axed show???) but with five options.

      A: £30,000
      B: £15,000
      C: £4,000
      D: £990
      E: £10

      “I want A, I deserve to have A. You can have D”
      “No, I don’t want D, you should have E and she should have A as she performed more in the tasks”

  2. John R

    Can’t they just stay in touch after the show and manage to eventually split the money equally anyway?

    Unlike Divided, they’ve been living together for the past god knows how long. So they’ve probably bonded slightly more than 3 randomers on Divided…


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