Surely, SURELY it’s time for a quick Olympics cash-in revival of…

By | August 7, 2012

(“The” – Ed) Superstars.

This also strikes me as being a good idea:

Although this is also true:

And we also agree with:

Superstars, there.

9 thoughts on “Surely, SURELY it’s time for a quick Olympics cash-in revival of…

    1. Chris M. Dickson

      Vaughan’s ego takes up all the space. (Which is a pity, ‘cos indeed it was fab. Even the five version was not without its charms, although far from the trad. arr.)

      1. David Howell

        Yes, that version had some very good redeeming features. The font, the graphics package generally, intriguing tactical possibilities, and did I mention the font? It just got too much else wrong unfortunately.

        The latter-day BBC version was endearingly faithful, and the fact it was largely a veterans’ affair almost made it more interesting in some ways.

  1. Dave M

    No no no no no no no. If any TV show should be revived to cash in on the Olympic fever, it’s The Games.

    Bring back The Games. Come on, Richard Osman – I’m appealing directly to you here – we all loved it, so please bring it back.


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