Fifty Fifty Eight

By | November 12, 2012

Once again, the internet’s TOPPEST gameshow discussion podcast is back! And now it has a semi-regular feature based on the legendary Avanti un Altro final which we’ve called 21 Questions Wrong (because you’ve got to get 21 questions wrong) surely the only game that’s more stressful for the host than it is for the contestant. And what a host in Dan Peake, and what a judge in me. And what a contestant in Caroline from Yorkshire. And what a moderator in Lewis Ogbajoj. If it is something you would like a go at then you should let Dan or Lewis know and they’ll add you to the list.

There’s other discussion as well.

Word Up is STILL lacking a winner. Come on everyone!

11 thoughts on “Fifty Fifty Eight

  1. Andy "Kesh" Sullivan

    Fantastic episode as always. Really enjoyed 21QW, VERY exciting and I’m eagerly awaiting my go (if I am indeed on the list of potential players).

    As a little aside to that little coda at the end there about The Exit List and still being able to remember the 10-item list, I can still remember a lot of the words that I had to memorise in the ‘Memory Check’ round of Memory Bank that I was on…8 years ago! Boxer, Punch, Dramatic, Actress, Fresh, Blood, Dessert, Cherry, Stone, Puzzle, Ghost, Sponge, Pink, Flamingo. That’s 14 of the 20 words I had to remember. One technique I tried to do, knowing that little factoid Caroline said about being able to remember 7 items at once, was to try and pair the words up so I was memorising 10 pairs rather than 20 items (e.g. Boxer and Punch, boxers punch their opponents, Pink and Flamingo, flamingoes are pink, Dramatic and Actress, actresses perform dramatic roles, etc). In the end up, I got 12 of the words and won £700 (£50 each for the first 10 words and £100 each for the next 2).

    1. Andy "Kesh" Sullivan

      I saw that my previous comment needed moderator’s approval, and I’ll explain why. I’ve had to make myself a new email account as my Yahoo one got hacked last Friday. Some Chinese idiot broke into it and grabbed the scan of my provisional driving licence that I had sent to Gogglebox when I applied for Breakaway. They then tried to demand £5000 off me or they would ‘make it illegal for me to become famous in the United Kingdom’. Needless to say, they didn’t get any money off me (because I don’t even HAVE £5000 and even if I did, I wouldn’t give it to them anyway!) and the info on my licence is useless to them anyway, at least I HOPE so…

  2. Chris

    Hi all, I’ve posted this on twitter but I’ve done a thing (and won some points) and added graphics to the 21QW pilot


    Few points: There is an issue with the clock glitching a bit in the 100sec countdown. This has been fixed so next episode shouldn’t have that issue.

    The screen is a bit cluttered – I’m working to improve the dead space where there’s nothing to show

    There is a watermark for the program I use – I’m using the free version so nothing I can do sadly

    On another more significant note – this is not video editted – I’m doing the graphics live as the podcast plays – this means that this show could be done live over skype with full graphics – maybe even the entire show including the envelope bit could be done if it became a thing.


    1. Alex

      If you have it, and don’t mind farting around a bit, you can do smooth timer animations on Photoshop/Imageready and save it as a gif. You can pause and restart the timer too (I think. Lee, if you’re reading do let me know what video software you used to work with my clocks and that).

      It does look nice though, and yes. Good choice with the music. Verry good choice.

      1. Chris

        Yeah I intially tried powerpoint but that wouldn’t do things on time so this timer is done in flash which is way more accurate.

        The only reason no timer is currently on the screen is simply because I hadn’t yet learned how to do it (A level ICT is slowly coming back to me) so if I do a V2 of the clock I might try and make it more like the show

        1. Brig Bother Post author

          Interesting, thanks. If you get round to doing the first proper episode you’re going to need to fiddle the clock a little as there’s an edit where there was an issue with a question and a few seconds get lost. I know it sounds seamless, but there we are – I had to start the music a little late so all the sound effects match up to the right places. In retrospect maybe I should have added two/three seconds extra to what I did add to the clock.

          1. Chris

            Yeah I noticed you were a few seconds ahead of the clock and yet sudden a second ahead later on. I’ve managed to run it so that your about one second ahead of the clock in the video but the timer for the final run shows the correct amount

            (The same problem occurred last time in the pilot but it was several seconds so at least the timing is getting better)

            As an aside the judging is very strict.. – don’t know whether that’s intentional to be like the Italian show or simply because there’s real money on the line.

          2. Brig Bother Post author

            I’ve got the clock running on an iPad in front of me using an interval timer, I’ve just got to tap the screen to start and stop it. I’ve just rechecked the music bed to make sure it all matches up in the correct places (it does) so when it’s not quite right there’s been a non-perfect edit somewhere. This is easier to fiddle without visuals! The main thing is to make sure the sound effects come in at the right time and work backwards. My timer wasn’t used in the pilot, Dan had a proprietry thing.

            Timing is quite strict because it’s meant to be a challenge. The funny thing is it felt like an age waiting to time Caroline out but it feels quite fast listening to it back. It does feel about right though.

  3. CeleTheRef

    Loved the 21QW part!
    Reminds me of a radio show we have in Italy where sometimes they play a parody of the quiz that’s on air on Canale5.

    Last season they did their version of 21QW with various personalities of that radio as contestants. Just to make it harder, they allowed 180 seconds instead of 150+100

    here’s how it was like

    This season they play “Prawns” a variation that’s actually another popular Italian gameshow mechanic: you must answer correctly… to the PREVIOUS question!

    for example:
    Q: Claims to be waiting a baby from Mario Balotelli
    A: “Prawns”

    Q: Was known as “the Maid of Orleans”
    A: Raffaella Fico

    Q: Romney’s opponent
    A: Joan of Arc

    Q: Spiderman’s secret identity
    A: Barack Obama

    and so on

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Excellent! The previous answer quiz is part of a very famous Two Ronnies comedy sketch from the 1970s, since then it formed the basis of a round on Lose a Million and kids show Incredible Games, but not really been seen since!

      Glad you enjoyed 21QW!


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