Give Us A Who

By | August 21, 2015

To keep the place ticking over, here’s an episode of Give Us A Clue from 1981 from a link I was sent yesterday. It features a theme that is neither Alan Hawkshaw’s Chicken Man or the one with all the lyrics. It features both Tom Baker AND Peter Davison, Time Lord fans:


And don’t forget Fort Boyard is on tonight this week, reverting back to Saturdays for its final episodes this year in due course.

5 thoughts on “Give Us A Who

  1. Night Shift Worker

    1) Were all the clips from the intro sequence taken from the episode? If so, did every episode have a different opening? Seems laborious if so.

    2) Lionel Blair’s hair! He needs “a Lionel Blair cut, like mine”, to quote an old ad, or perhaps a cyber razor cut to quote another.

    3) Naughty Lionel going very downmarket very quickly with one of his rhyming clues. You can’t say that on daytime television, surely?

    4) Classic non-blue dungarees from the very talented Geoffrey Hayes. Did anyone ever wear them in practice other than children’s TV presenters? There’s some footage of Jeremy Beadle wearing them on Fun Factory and I think I saw Stu Francis in them once. Other than that…? Perhaps they are due for an ironic comeback.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Lionel Blair’s hair is just incredible, it literally moves on its own accord.

      Michael Aspel was such a good host of this.

  2. Andrew 'Kesh' Sullivan

    Apropos of nothing, I managed to get onto a radio quiz on Thursday, ‘All Or Nothing’ on The Breeze, which mainly broadcasts in the southern parts of the country but you can also listen on their website. I was only made aware of this game by fellow Bar patron MrCT2U who was on earlier in the week and banked £200, tying with another contestant. I chanced my arm and texted in to enter, and lo and behold, they rung me back to say I was randomly picked to play! I answered my set of questions and banked £300, making me the weekly leader. So, I was on tenterhooks for the rest of the day, seeing as 3 more rounds of the game separated me from winning the money (they do 2 rounds of this game each weekday and whoever is the weekly leader wins what they banked, splitting it in the event of a tie, all the other contestants get nothing, hence the name). Friday afternoon they rang me again, telling me that I was still the weekly leader and they have them listen in to the final contestant of the week to determine who wins. I managed to record the final round online using a freeware audio recorder and I uploaded it to YouTube for posterity.

    The rules are really simple. You get 5 questions and the idea is to bank as much as you can. The host, Robert, tells you the category for each question. You then choose to take an easy question for £50, a medium question for £100 or a hard question for £200. They can only accept your first answer and it must be within 5 seconds.

    If anyone’s interested in my set of questions, I’ll list them here.
    My first category was Darts and I took a Medium question, which was ‘In a standard pub game of darts, what score does each player start from?’
    My second category was Countdown, which I found ironic, seeing as I was a contestant on that very show! Again, I took a Medium question, which was ‘How many letters are scrambled up in a Countdown Conundrum?’
    My third category was Skiing. I took a Medium question again, which was ‘What colour is used to denote a ski course for beginners?’
    My fourth category was Sherlock Holmes. With hindsight, I should have really gone for an Easy or Medium question here, but I went for a Hard one. ‘What was the name of the fourth and final Sherlock Holmes novel, written by Arthur Conan Doyle?’
    My final category was Strictly Come Dancing Winners. I don’t watch Strictly AT ALL, so I decided to go Easy, which was ‘Which SCD winner returned to the show as a judge?’

    Anyway, here’s the video so you can see whether I won the money or not:

  3. Andrew Warren

    Regarding you talking about Time Crashers on twitter, Brig, I know it’s not quite in the field of game shows necessarily, but I’ve kind of always wanted to be on one of those documentary shows that gives people the chance to live ‘in the past’. I don’t suppose anyone knows if there are any upcoming shows in that vein, or where to look for opportunities to take part in one? (I suppose I should mention that I’m an American, much though I wish I lived in the UK and would love to take part in a show there, but I realize it would complicate matters.)


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