Cash Trapped

By | February 13, 2016

Well there we were on Thursday evening doing our Valentine’s post (Love At First Sight in Dutch! Crazy.) thinking great, weekend basically off, then yesterday we had the exciting news that Schlag den Star is returning as a essentially rebranded full on live Schlag den Raab this time in April, and NOW I’ve been alerted that Glenn Hugill’s Possessed are looking for contestants for a pilot for a fluffy light-entertainment quizzy take on the Chilean mining disaster:


I’ve had to shrink this is a bit to fit but if you click on it you can get a slightly easier to read full sized version. Best of luck!

We’re trying to work out if this is an idea that’s been knocking about for a while, or at least I’m convinced I saw a promo ages ago for a quiz where you don’t get to leave unless you win, something like that.

18 thoughts on “Cash Trapped

  1. Setsunael

    You may think of Stuck in a Game Show as something similar (but less brutal in the execution) :

      1. Setsunael

        It didn’t actually 🙂 It’s just the full pilot episode lokking like a regular episode somewhere in the run, quite well-made yeah.

        1. Brig Bother Post author

          I actually quite liked this. Impressed that each question had a slightly different format. End game borrowed from Don’t Blow the Inheritance. Mmm.

        2. David B

          It’s definitely got something, but probably borrows too much from other shows to have a compelling hook. End game is a bit weak, I agree.

          Heck of a construction to build for a pilot, though. Wow.

    1. Nico W.

      I don’t want to seem rude, but do you also think the French have a distinctive aesthetic. It really is hideous to me, although I love e.g. Tout le monde…. I can’t stand the studio and the graphics (although with TLMVPSP the graphics are not as bad as in this show). I think you can tell a French show by the looks of it.
      German Show tend to try to look like other shows most of the time, only the Raab shows had a bit of a distinctive look with their terrible graphics (although you got used to them).

    2. Lukachkinas

      Nope, didn’t like it. It’s too lighthearted. I want to see people crying and trying to break walls of the set to get out, I want to see people regretting about decision to go on quiz show being not clever enough, even with >100k as a Grand Prize. I want to watch interviews with contestants who haven’t seen their families and even sunlight for several weeks. That is kind of show, which can name itself “Cash Trapped”.

      And, by the way, Possessed, those little quizzes are good, yeah, but just go and do The Genius UK. Thank you.

      1. Brig Bother Post author

        This is really interesting, there were two series of this and this comes from the first.

        Sean Lock is credited as a performer so I wonder who he was in the episode? Perhaps he was a player whose channel didn’t come up.

        1. David B

          According to UKGameshows, “Comedian Sean Lock used to do the warm-up for the show, and even appeared in the odd episode”.

          I imagine you probably wrote that sentence back in 1996.

        2. Night Shift Worker

          Could he have been the cop where you saw nothing of the face other than the jaw?

          I had forgotten that this was an Action Time production. I’d ask what the Leahy-o-matic has been up to in recent years but there’s a web site out there with what purports to be his mobile phone number. And it’s half past three in the morning! I should double its volume in the second half of the night.

          1. Steve Williams

            He is indeed the policeman, though not sure how great a contribution he makes to the programme.

            You’d have to say Cate (Hazel Adair’s granddaughter!) is the most early nineties-looking person in the world.

          2. Steve Williams

            Also, there were three series of Remote Control, if I recall. This is the series I didn’t watch, so it seems a bit odd not to have a slightly different final round. I spent the entire show trying to remember Yolisa’s name.

          3. Brig Bother Post author

            I was expecting ‘STUPID ALERT!’ to happen at the end of Round One when Cate had zero points (which must have been bought in for series two), although I remember this original configuration of the wheel (you’d never have to do anything like recognize Benazir Bhutto in the US version) and that it changed next year to answering questions in the hope the wheel would then stop on a Yes space for the big prize.

            You may well be right that it had three series, although UKGS.C has it down from 1991-1992.

          4. Brig Bother Post author

            Other excitement is that @davadski on Twitter might have an episode with Dave Rainford from Eggheads on it on VHS. If anyone is able to help him upload it do get in touch with him, it’s not something I’ve done in about ten years.

  2. CeleTheRef

    the winners of the Sanremo song contest are the Stadio but they declined to represent Italy at the ESC

    RAI has chosen second-place Francesca Michielin


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