Schlag den Raab – 15th October 2011

By | October 15, 2011

7:15pm UK time, Pro 7 or naughty internet streaming

It’s Schlag den Raab this evening! But first a bit of housekeeping:

Fantasy X Factor managers should get their orders and predictions in in time for the live performance show this evening which is 7:45pm.

A review of the Only Connect iThing app will happen sometime tomorrow.

Right, that’s out of the way. Tonight Stefan Raab defends €500,000 LIVE! in a series of wacky games and challenges. Join us here for exciting discussion.

Edit: And this is a fun story, it sounds like Darren McMullen will be the next host of The Magicians, and is likely to involve a live element.

253 thoughts on “Schlag den Raab – 15th October 2011

  1. Travis P

    One piece of news. Darren McMullen will replace Lenny Henry as the new host of The Magicians in 2012.

  2. Joe

    Congratulations to Darren McMullen, the host of Minute To Win It. I hear he’s got a big gig on one of the main channels. I can’t say more though.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Well I think it’s been said for you.

      This is actually quite exciting – The Magicians took aaaaages to film so I gather, so it will be interesting to see how it fares as a live show.

    2. Travis P

      So you’ve been following my twitter account?

      Turns out Lenny Henry cannot host it next year as it clashes with his theatre work. I did mention on twitter that he is either going up in the world or he is really cheap to hire since due to the BBC cuts. Let’s hope he isn’t instruced to use an autocue all the time.

      Oh, just realised Shine produces the show. That makes some sense to why he was chosen.

      1. Joe

        What’s your Twitter account? No, I read it in the Mirror newspaper this morning 😀

        1. Travis P

          That’s how I got the story from but I was on the road this morning. I find it amusing that The Mirror classes him as a nobody but didn’t mention he hosts Minute to Win It on ITV2.

          I had the impression you saw my twitter post as we posted on here excactly in the same minute.


  3. Dan Peake

    Wow – Schlag den Raab came about quickly! Is it me or was the gap shorter than normal (or does it always happen at this time of year?)

    1. Travis P

      The gap is about the same but it’s a week earlier compared to this time last year. We’ll be looking at 17th December for the final one of the year.

    2. James

      It usually comes about at the end of October and then the Saturday before Christmas. I thought the fact it was early was because of The Voice, but it turns out it’s not.

  4. Brig Bother Post author

    my stream keeps freezing its picture, so if anyone finds a better one then shout.

    Contestant two is the very sporty Michael from Duren! He is married and has a child. He plays a lot of basketball. He says he is smart and fast.

  5. art begotti

    Contestant four is Sissis, an engineer who specializes in making out after games of racquetball, playing chess with old people, and having a palindromic name.

  6. Brig Bother Post author

    Contestant number four is the unlikely named and very sporty Sissis! He appears to be some sort of painter or something, and does squash.

  7. Brig Bother Post author

    And finally contestant number five is the very sporty… Don’t know, the video froze before his name came up. He does bodybuilding.

    Edit: it’s Jens.

  8. art begotti

    At the risk of being incredibly sexist, I’m betting Sophia will play, on the grounds that she’s the only girl, and it’s a minimum jackpot night. I’m not saying I sympathize with that prediction, I’m just going by what I’ve seen in the past.

  9. art begotti

    Spiel 1 is Pushing Buttons. They’ve got one of those handheld tickers and I’m guessing they have to hit it as many times as possible in a time limit?

  10. art begotti

    Two minutes for the most button presses. Stefan does a fantastic dance with his knees as he goes.

    And the scores:
    Klaus – 532
    Stefan – 555

    Stefan wins and has taken an AMAZING lead, 1-0.

  11. art begotti

    Spiel 2 is Fussball-Wappen, Football Crests. Trivia round identifying football crests, I’m guessing.

  12. Brig Bother Post author

    Stefan’s wrist still aching from the button game by the looks of it. Game two is to name the football team by the logo.

  13. art begotti

    Heh, I can imagine everyone here shouting madly at the Arsenal London logo while they miss it.

  14. art begotti

    Klaus handles it pretty well, winning 6-2. I’ve never seen a trivia round with so few passed questions!

    2-1, Klaus.

  15. art begotti

    Spiel 3 is Headis… for which Google Translate doesn’t seem to have a translation. But they’re going to the call-and-lose and a commercial, so apparently there’s special equipment involved.

  16. art begotti

    SdR is apparently now getting heavy sponsorship from Reebok, apparently.

  17. art begotti

    Any wagers on one of them smacking their head into the table pretty hard?

  18. art begotti

    The major error they seem to be both making is that you have to loft it into the air a bit, rather than straight to the other side.

  19. art begotti

    Very close the entire way, but Klaus pulls ahead 11-7.

    5-1, Klaus

  20. art begotti

    Spiel 4 – Karten-duell, Cards Individually, says Google Translate. The side set opens to reveal a lavish casino setting.

  21. art begotti

    Very interesting. Great game of not only strategy, but also memory.

  22. art begotti

    Ouch! I think Klaus playing the 1 right there was probably a strategic mistake. Now he has two dead cards that can’t win anything else.

  23. art begotti

    Then again, with Stefan playing all his low cards, it’s easier for Klaus to remember what cards he has left…

    I think this is the ideal time for Stefan to play 11 right now, since I think Klaus will try to play his as well. That’ll cancel out, and Stefan will have the high card dominance.

  24. art begotti

    Ooh, I got throttled for comment posting for the first time just now.

    Stefan’s painted himself in a corner now though. It’s already Klaus’s game, since he will win whenever he plays the 9.

    I’m already calling it 9-1 Klaus.


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