Right, housekeeping – FXF Managers don’t forget you can change your choice of loser but you have to do it before the live show at 8pm.
Also I have done a review of the Only Connect app. It costs £1.49, in game packs are 69p (I never mention the prices in the review because they are fluid).
Right then!
- Deal or No Deal – LIVE! (4:20pm Sunday, 4pm Monday-Friday, C4)
- Fort Boyard: Ultimate Challenge – This finally starts on Monday on Disney XD in the US, and will arrive over here on CITV in January. It looks like it’s going to have a similar format to the Dutch show, although with only half the runtime there are questions to be asked as to whether it will work or not. I don’t know if this will be viewable in the UK using dark arts yet. (Monday, Disney XD in the US).
- Only Connect – Second quarter final, the Rowers vs Listeners (8:30pm, Monday, BBC4)
- Coral Late Night Poker – last week’s second part of heat one was epic. (1am Monday night, C4)
- Minute to Win It – Last in the series. Darren McMullen is doing bigger things, so it will be interesting to see what happens if this gets a second series. (8pm, Tuesday, ITV2)
- There is no massive Stefan Raab fronted German thing this week. Edit: Yes there is, there’s a TV Total Poker night on Tuesday.
Yes there is. Instead of Stefan Raab’s chat show, TV Total. He is running another all star poker tournament on Tuesday evening. If there is a naughty feed then it will air at 9.05pm BST until gone midnight.
Ha ha, that will teach me for concentrating on Thursday – Saturday. Will change later.
We;; the FB:UC treasure room feels VERY different: http://fortboyard.tumblr.com/
Second repechage match on UC this week: St Andrews v Worcester Oxford.
St Andrews lost a fairly close affair against Merton Oxford, 195-165, on 22 August, while Worcester lost a very close affair against Clare Cambridge, 190-180, on 18 July.
The teams’ performances on the bonuses were remarkably similar – Worcester 16/30, St Andrews 16/29 but with three missignals.
All of which points to this match looking like it too could be pretty close.
My prediction? Worcester, just.
Not a surprise as I predicted it some time ago but thanks to Zeddie on twitter. The Celebrity Chase will air from Saturday 29th October in the 6pm slot.
Please Vote for Don’t Scare The High as ‘Hall of Shame Gameshow of the Year’. Please, because it is unfair if a panel show such as QI or um, something like Marriage Ref, ends up being in the Hall of Shame.
You do realise that your post has probably just ensured the one thing you don’t want to happen.
Shame, Don’t Scare The High was a good show, hahaha.
Also QI? Hall of Shame? Are you MAD, Joe?
No, no I like QI. What I’m saying is it’d be a shame if a show like QI or similarly something like, err, The Marriage Ref off the top of my head, would get into the Hall of Shame.
Well I wasn’t going to vote for TMR, but I think I will now. Thanks Joe!
I’m more upset that he equated QI with “similarly something like, err, The Marriage Ref!” That’s like comparing apples to a loaf of bread soaked in kerosene and set ablaze during a ritual to worship Habanunek, the Maltese god of fertility and lottery tickets.
I don’t know what you’ve been drinking, but I would like seven of them.
Joe can rest assured, I know where my votes are going. Or would be going if the ballot were open now and not at the start of the new year, because what’s the point in naming the Worst Thing of the Year when there’s still 20% of The Year to go? By the time the boxes open, I’m sure voters will have forgotten about this attempt to influence votes. It’s the most unsubtle tactic since Daniel Bedingfield.
? Sounds like something Tony Wilson might have played on , getting the players not to do anything that would cause the entirely mediocre Mancpop band to stop sleeping and start performing.
Anyway! Next week’s Week should be covering
. Always assuming I don’t fall asleep watching Tuesday’s episode and confuse Jeremy Kyleshow with Mel Giedroyc.Don’t worry Joe – we get five votes don’t we so we can vote for both!
Also QI is ineligible for that category isn’t it so not the best choice of example there…
That’s right, it has to be a show that debuted in 2011.
Thought so.
Does anyone know where I can get copies of Beat the Star?
Yes, email Gallowgate Productions. All their contact info is on their website.
Cheers Joe. Do you know how much it would roughly cost?
For the series? Hundreds. I believe Joe is being facetious.
Cheers Brig. Depends how many hundreds.
One thing I’ve always wondered about Winning Lines… Unlikely as it was, what would have happened if all contestants were eliminated before the six winners were determined?
Maybe they would have voided the question that “eliminated” the last of the 49 and then asked another one as a replacement?
I have it very much in the back of my mind, that the rules stated that if everyone got a question wrong – no one was eliminated that question. Equally I think it happened, although not as the last question.
This is of course now going to bug me forever until I find out the answer!
I remember one episode where everyone went for a question except one person, and everyone basically got it wrong, although I can’t remember if that was in the first series (buzz in if it’s your number) or the later ‘first to get it right goes through, wrong answers eliminate you’ format.
Edit: I think it was the latter, there was only one space left so everyone just had a guess except for one old woman who decided to sit it out for whatever reason, then got a question all to herself!
It sounds like Vernoon Kay’s Play Your Cards Right is on the cards:
Oh, dear God, no. 👿
I have no real problem with Vernon Kay to be honest. I think there’s a tendency to dislike him because he’s handsome and used to do T4.
However, it’s quite likely he’s read a book, as a producer I don’t think I would have to spend hours explaining a format to him and he doesn’t seem to have much trouble talking to people. Family Fortunes IS basically successful under him, and there was no guarantee that this was going to be the case. There’s no real reason why PYCR wouldn’t work with him.
It still wouldn’t be as great as the original series in the 80s was, though… and VK wouldn’t be anywhere near as great as Brucie was.
Looks like Laura Whitmore is to be the new host of I’m A Celeb Get Me Out of Here NOW!
For whatever it’s worth I saw the pitch film for The Exit List, ABC and ITV’s new quiz show. The idea of it being a maze is vastly exaggerated unless it’s changed a lot recently and it doesn’t seem like anything that special. There’s 40 some rooms with cash from $1K to $250K inside. You just go into a room and answer a multiple choice question correctly to cash it. Once you’ve earned as much as you want you can end the game and one of your team has to rattle off a list of all the correct answers you’ve played.
Blimey, it’s not like the “Link System” for memorising lists is that hard to learn. Especially if you’ve got what sounds like minutes between each question to add the new mental image to the list.
They’ll give you 5 seconds between each right answer to study over the list. When you’re done one of your team exits the grid while the other stays in and tries to give all the answers in the list. The player who exited the maze, of course, is offered a bank offer to get out of the game. Because why not.
Where did you see the film?
Only Connect has been the Number One Most Watched television show on BBC4 for four weeks in a row. This is a record run for a game show to be top of the week on a BBC channel since 1995.
And next week will be even more popular after everyone writes to Points of View with the words “Don Quicks-ote?”
Do you holiday in Par-iss or Par-ee?
I don’t.
Hmm, what was it in ’95? I’m going to say Shooting Stars.
Was Weakest Link never top when it was pulling 5m when it first started on BBC2?
Not looking at many years of ratings. Weakest Link was the most watched BBC Two show for five consecutive weeks between 19th March and 22nd April 2001. The show had a four week run in October/November 2000.
So no surprises. Joe doesn’t do his research and gets it wrong again.
I mean, once-a-week game show. The Weakest Link had 5 opportunities to get top spot each week, a bit unfair to compare that to a once-a-week game show like Only Connect 🙂
Also, you use the 🙂 smiley a bit more often than you should, don’t you think?
Try to use it only when you really need to.
😈 😉 8)
And now Richard Orford off of Sky Poker has come out for Only Connect on Twitter! Amazing.
Only Connect has been the Number One Most Watched television show on BBC4 for four weeks in a row. This is a record run for a game show to be top of the week on a BBC channel since 1995.
Even without the usual definition of “game show” as “anything with a Programme Page on ukgameshows.com”, and only checking back to October 2010, I find this claim to be bunkum, bilge, and balderdash.
was BBC1’s number one for eight weeks last autumn, has led BBC2 for the last six published weeks (to 9 October), and had a six-week run as BBC4’s number one in November and December last year, as well as the four weeks recently.An honourable mention to
, which would have had four weeks on top of BBC2 last summer if only the Canadian Grand Prix hadn’t turned into . Darn you, Canadian weather! Darn you to Quebec!The basics on FB US/UK:
-6 teams of 4 will play in a tournament format.
-All 6 teams will play 3 times each (9 eps), then the top 2 teams based on total coins gathered in their three games will play in the final episode.
-There are 6 games played in the episode- duel, team 1 game, duel, team 2 game, duel, Treasure Chamber.
-A team needs 3 keys for the full three minutes in the Treasure Chamber. The first key you are short means the whole team has to stay out for 20 seconds, the 2nd key short means 1 person has to stay out for 40 seconds.
-If a team gets 4 keys (wins all three duels plus their individual game) they get an extra 150 coins.
-When they enter the chamber, they have to find four large crests with their team icon and put them on the floor according to the map they’re given. Then they put their hand in the tigerhead to drop the key opening their treasure chest and start collecting coins.
It’s not bad- the hosts are good and encouraging, and while it’s only about 25 minutes long, they do get 6 games in (the individual team games are timed at 1:30-2:00; while they do use the water clock, there is also an on-screen timer). First game was pretty close, even though it was a 4-1 key split (I suspect most of the games will be 3-2, though we don’t know what kind of penalty a team gets if they fail in the individual team game).
I’m actually looking forward to seeing this, the treasure room looked quite interesting.
I think it’s a hame it concentrates more on the duels than individual challenges, although I suppose there is no need to repeat a challenge over the 10 episode run.
The show is ok but nothing special.I was surprised that they didn’t mention being locked in if they didn’t get out in time so i think they might just lose the key if they fail.
Also if anyone wants to watch it early be quick before this is taken down http://youtu.be/ukgbrJKFQeE
I’ve just watched it without the sound (thanks for the link) – I thought it was OK. Surprised they’d get teens to do the sewer (Dark Descent here) so intrigued to see what else is lined up. It moves along at a fair pace.
As for failing individual challenges – I don’t know, although I note that the cages are up on the walls.
I noticed there were a few Crystal Maze staffers in the credits for this.
Now watching with sound. They’ve changed all the music, it’s very standard US fare.
Edit: Lumme, it’s a Paul Farrer special!
I appreciate my intrinsic bias but i’ll offer my opinion on the new series.
I like the format – in terms of formats that would work for 30 minute episodes this is about the best – and I think the game moves along quickly without feeling rushed.
The range of games are good and I remain impressed that the teens are willing to take on some of the Forts most horrifying tests. In my humble opinion, they have worse (or better depending on your point of view) games to come than Dark Descent. I also like that fact that we have some English names for the games at last – especially Surface Tension.
The treasure chamber end game doesn’t feel quite right to me yet, maybe entering through the underground tunnels from 2010 France would give it more of an adventure note?
The mixed teams work well preventing the usual American confidence from coming across as cocky and I like the idea that we can choose a team to follow through the season.
The presenters seem to work well together and individually and are both really enthusiastic and encouraging. It does feel a little OTT at times, but this is children’s TV. The target age range for CITV is 0 – 9 years but I think this will hit quite a bit older.
Overall I’m impressed, I think it continues the CITV tradition of Action/Adventure quite well while feeling very modern in it’s approach. Hopefully it does well enough to pick up a third series – I’ve already started badgering the boss.
I think I agree with this – certainly that it is probably the best version of the show you are going to make with a 22 minute running time.
I don’t mind the Treasure Room in this form but that’s mainly because every team is going to get three goes at it. Where the Duel version tends to fall down as a format is that there’s usually no tension for the end game – if you were ahead going in, you’ll end up ahead going out. Because of the league system, this is mitigated somewhat in so much that you can lose the game but still having everything count.
The target age range is interesting. I know the applications were looking for 13-15 and 18 year olds – presumably the captains are the older ones.
I’ll join the chorus in saying that this is probably as good as you’re going to get considering the time slot.
Judging by the trailers, we’re also going to get “Pugil Sticks” (which is often translated by computer programs as “Cotton Swabs”!) and “Cylinders”. We may also get one of the “submerged” games.
And this is the first I’ve heard of the treadmill speeding up in “Running Water” (“Tapis Roulant”).
Also note that all the “pre-Treasure Room” games have coe from the library of “council” games. Geno Segers comes off best here, displaying authority while keeping it down on these games.
I hope this is a hit. It’s good to watch. (And a friend is hoping that it gets Mindscape to offer their “Fort Boyard, le Jeu” game for the Wii here. (It’s available in France.)
Epic Win in the news, don’t recall this happening on the show, though:
Another record offer on The Chase today of £75,000.
The bloke accepted the challenge too.
I’ll not say whether he got through or not if you’ve not seen it yet.
I’ll probably upload that onto Buzzerblog this weekend since it was a record offer.
As promised click on the third clip.
Can’t believe I fell for that on DoND…!
Fell for what?
I’d advise waiting until it is put up on 4OD and watch it there so I don’t spoil it for you but the whole premise of his tweets during the day was that he was going to deliver the first offer today in person on the walk of wealth and the interest came when that played out.
Here at 13 mins…
Everyone knows who the Banker is anyway. Just Google Image his name to see what he looks like!
I meant the audience member bit – I’d guessed it would be an actor playing the Banker.
Apropos of Mr. Bother’s microblog on the sidebar,
is listed for Challenge in the week commencing 7 November. Two episodes at 8pm and 9pm. More4 repeats continue at 9am and 12.30pm.Surely the logical thing would be to start on the Monday of October 31st as then you could run it on the exact date it was originally aired on presuming they’re starting at Season 1.